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He'll see that one actor, at least, not unknown to Europe, has vindicated his reputation as a playwright in the face of the British public." Austin felt immensely flattered at such confidences being vouchsafed to him by the eminent exponent of Lord Byron, and said he was certain that the theatre would be crammed. Mr Buskin shrugged his shoulders, and replied he was sure he hoped so.

Brought up by the Duc de Montausier, a sort of monkish soldier, and by Bossuet, a sort of military monk, Monsieur le Dauphin had no good examples from which to profit. Crammed as he is with Latin, Greek, German, Spanish, and Church history, he knows all that they teach in colleges, being totally ignorant of all that can only be learnt at the Court of a king.

The mess saw to it that Doggie should be crammed with information but information wholly incorrect and misleading, which added to his many difficulties. When his ton of kit arrived he held an unwilling reception in the hut and found himself obliged to explain to gravely curious men the use for which the various articles were designed. "This, I suppose, is a new type of gas-mask?" No.

Dig, who was in the middle of a pull at the ginger ale, put down his tankard suddenly and crammed his handkerchief into his mouth. "Such a game!" said Arthur to Maple's second cousin on his right. "Look round, behind you. Do you see them?" "See whom?" asked the young lady. "Those two. Regular pair of spoons; look at him helping her to raspberry pie. Oh, my word!"

Boake Valkanhayn and Garvan Spasso were simply beyond astonishment and beyond words. The looting of Eglonsby then began. They gathered up machinery, and stocks of steel and light-metal alloys. The city was full of warehouses, and the warehouses were crammed with valuables.

It is this: All nature from highest to lowest is full, crammed full of suffering; every living organism in nature preys on another, yet in your aim to get close to, to be one with nature, you leave suffering altogether out; you run away from it, you refuse to recognize it. And you are waiting, you say, for the final revelation." Frank's brow clouded slightly. "Well?" he asked, rather wearily.

Because I didn't know the straight of it, then, myself. I was so heavy-witted I never once thought of Edward. He must have taken the bills out of the purse and then crammed them in his pocket while he was waiting there on the lounge and I was pretending to telephone and But it's best as it is oh, so best! Think, Mag!

These oppressors are not content with eating all that is to be eaten belonging to the peasants; after they have crammed themselves and their numerous retinue, they have the impudence to exact what they call teeth-money, a contribution for the use of their teeth, worn with doing them the honour of devouring their meat."

So he crammed a great silver watch into his fob, and drew on a patchwork morning-gown of an ancient fashion.

Tommy even made her way up the steep ladder to the loft that ran the whole length of the stables big enough for the men's yearly dance, but just now crammed with fragrant oaten hay. She wanted to see everything, and chatted away in her eager, half-French fashion, like a happy child.