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"Why, he knows all about this island. You said so yourself. I just told him we'd get some grub to him to-morrow." "How?" "Told him we'd leave it at the foot of that tall pine at the far end of the island. Then he slipped out of the kitchen and disappeared." But Blent was a crafty old party and did not easily give up the pursuit of the young fellow he had come to the island to nab.

You want the truth, and you shall hear nothing else from me." "Well, we get near to understanding each other. But it astonishes me that you spoilt your excellent chance. How could you hope to carry through this " Eve broke in impatiently. "I told you in the letter that I had no hope of it. It's your mistake to think me a crafty, plotting, selfish woman.

The path to success in love regularly lies through some sort of pecuniary fraud; and the crafty servant, who provides the needful sum and performs the requisite swindling while the lover is mourning over his amatory and pecuniary distresses, is the real mainspring of the piece.

The idea of deriving any profit whatever from this affair inspired him with a feeling of disgust honor triumphed over his naturally crafty and avaricious nature. It seemed to him that any money made in this way would soil his fingers; for he realized there must be some deep villainy under all this plotting and planning; he was sure of it, since Coralth was mixed up in the affair.

She ran to the window and threw it open, leaning out. "Daddy, there's no view in the world so beautiful as that curve of sea between the headlands. I've looked at magnificent scenery and then I'd shut my eyes and conjure up that picture. Oh, listen to the wind keening in the trees! How I've longed for that music!" He took her to the orchard and followed out his crafty plan of surprise perfectly.

They are a crafty and treacherous race, and understand everything. The best present which they gave me was a sucking pig, and a cheese of which, unless a miracle accompanied it, it was impossible for all in the fleet to partake. On the occasion of the death of the gentleman whom they killed, the natives scattered themselves through the island.

The missionary, supposing that a momentary weakness had succeeded to the fit of rage, and that the wretch was about to fall, relaxed his hold in order to lend him assistance. But no sooner did he feel himself at liberty, thanks to his crafty device, than Morok flung himself furiously upon Gabriel.

Naval men laughed at his flat-bottomed boats, and declared that one frigate could sink a hundred of them; whereas it is probable that two of them, with their powerful guns and level fire, would have sunk any frigate we then possessed. But the crafty and far-seeing foe did not mean to allow any frigate, or line-of-battle ship, the chance of enquiring how that might be.

Their crafty scheme lay ready to be sprung when Efaw Kotee we will call him that had to kidnap the princess in self-defense.

"Omne ignotum pro magnifico." The pilot, pointing with his finger, showed the spot where Nelson landed some of his men the day before his action in 1801; and, as the Dane reminded me of the crafty manner in which the officers of the English fleet imposed on the credulity of the good folks at Elsineur, the sound of distant thunder was heard.