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At length the conversation had turned again to Andrew Falconer's death. 'Whaur said ye he dee'd, Mr. Lammie? 'I never said he was deid. I said I was feared 'at he was deid. 'An' what gars ye say that? It micht be o' consequence to hae 't correck, said the solicitor. 'I had a letter frae my auld frien' and his, Dr. Anderson. Ye min' upo' him, Mr. Innes, dunna ye?

Well, then, if you care about the apinions, fur good or evil, of us poor suvvants, I tell you, in the most candied way, I like you, Barnet. The man who says you are an As is an As himself. Don't believe him, Barnet! not that I suppose you wil, for, if I've formed a correck apinion of you from your wucks, you think your small-beear as good as most men's: every man does, and why not?

'There's just ae thing, an' nae anither, returned the manufacturer, 'that I cannot excuse in a watch. Gin a watch gangs ower fest, ye fin' 't oot. Gin she gangs ower slow, ye fin' 't oot, an' ye can aye calculate upo' 't correck eneuch for maitters sublunairy, as Mr. Maccleary says.

"And, forbye, they say he took a' his ain licks ohn said a word, and flew at the maister only whan he was gaein to lick the puir orphan lassie Jeames Anderson's lassie, ye ken." "Ow! ay. It's the same tale they a' tell. I hae nae doobt it's correck." With these conclusive words, Thomas departed.

Bonner's to make sure and find it is correck, him having packed up and gone to London. So no more at present from yours truely, MISS ALICE BETTS." And this letter, addressed to Mr. P. Slotman at the new address with which he had furnished her, went out from Starden by the early morning mail. After Mrs.

It rained harder and harder, and when I had nearly made the rounds I had had enough of it, and, simply giving the countersign to the challenging sentinel, undertook to pass within the lines. "Halt!" exclaimed this dusky man and brother, bringing down his bayonet, "de countersign not correck." Now the magic word, in this case, was "Vicksburg," in honor of a rumored victory.

As he watched her cool movements Saunders felt the presence of an enemy worthy of his steel, and his emulation rose. 'I understan, Mrs. Costrell, he said, speaking with great civility, 'as the cupboard where John put his money is a cupboard hon the stairs? Not in hany room, but hon the stairs? Yer'll kindly correck me if I say anythin wrong. Bessie nodded.

"Why, after they're cooked!" "Well, I s'pose we can; but I feel more like shaking hands with 'em all around, just now. They're old friends and neighbors of mine, you know." "Yes; but I guess we'd better eat them." "Cap'n Dab," said Dick, "dey jes' knock all de correck pronounciation out ob me, dey does." "Ford, Frank, I'll ask Mrs. Myers and Almira up here right away.

I wonder if the souls of idle parsons are condemned to haunt them, and that is what gives them that musty odour and that exhausting air. Glamerton was variously affected by this condensation of the vapour of prophecy into a definite prediction. "What think ye o' 't, Thomas Crann?" said Andrew Constable. "The calcleation seems to be a' correck. Yet somehoo I canna believe in't."

"Vicksburg," I repeated, blandly, but authoritatively, endeavoring, as zealously as one of Christy's Minstrels, to assimilate my speech to any supposed predilection of the Ethiop vocal organs. "Halt dar! Countersign not correck," was the only answer. The bayonet still maintained a position which, in a military point of view, was impressive.