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"Je ne connais qu'une scène, la nôtre," Madame Carré declared. "I'm assured by every one who knows that there's no other." "Very correctly assured," said Mr. Nash. "The theatre in our countries is puerile and barbarous." "There's something to be done for it, and perhaps mademoiselle's the person to do it," Sherringham contentiously suggested. "Ah but, en attendant, what can it do for her?"

An o.k. blank!" he echoed contentiously, but in a somewhat more conciliatory spirit. "He wants an o.k. blank, does he? Well, I expect ye might as well give thim to him, thin. I think the man lives on thim things, the way he's aalways caallin' fer thim. Ye'd think I was a bookkeeper an' foreman at the same time; it's somethin' aaful. An o.k. blank! An o.k. blank!" and he sputtered to silence.

I had the idea that the drunkenness and the dress were a pose, or else that he had been in some neighborhood in search of copy which required such an outfit. Charitably let us accept the last. He was accompanied by two satellic souls who were doing their best to restrain him. "Come, now! Don't make a scene. We'll see the show all right!" "Sure we'll see the show!" he returned contentiously.

And when Michael asked him contentiously what the weather had to do with Home Rule, he answered that it had everything to do with it by increasing parliamentary blood-pressure. "Wait," he said, "till we get a good thunderstorm You'll see how long the strike'll last, and what Sir Edward Carson has to say to Mr. Redmond then." Anthony kept his head.

It seems to me, though, that if there is, as we now know there is, some one whom we do not know" he paused "who has sunk so low as to wish to carry her off, apparently where she shall be out of the influence of her friends, it is only right that precautions should be taken to prevent it." "What is your suggestion?" demanded Whitney, rather contentiously.

Fitting and just was this judgment of God, that the people which hated him, and refused his servant one blade of grass, should lose the whole harvest; and that as this man despitefully entreated Saint Patrick, and drove him from his field, he should thenceforward lose the place for which so contentiously he had striven. A Stone is changed into Milk, and Milk is changed into Stones.

There is no ruby colour on anybody's nose: there are no black shadows under anybody's chin; there are no Rembrandtesque gradations of gloom, or glitterings of sword-hilt and armour. Is this ignorance, think you, in Giotto, and pure artlessness? He was now a man in middle life, having passed all his days in painting, and professedly, and almost contentiously, painting things as he saw them.

Having finished her pies, she moved towards the clothes-horse, and said, "Come here and tell me the story I told you on Wednesday, about Cincinnatus." "I know! he was a farmer," said Ben. "Now, Ben, he was a Roman let me tell," said Letty, using her elbow contentiously. "You silly thing, he was a Roman farmer, and he was ploughing."

But after we'd been so oh, do you believe all that? Do you believe you'll be killed by your dearest friend, and that nobody else can harm you? Because that, you know, is just superstition; it's just like the ancient Greeks when they consulted the oracle, and the Indians, and Italians and such people. But educated people " "What's the matter with the Greeks?" spoke up Denver contentiously.

"Well," said the scribe with a dry smile, "I've a notion the good friars have always taken more than they gave; and if it were not for the gaping mouths under the cowl even a poor man might have victuals enough for his own." The first speaker turned on him contentiously. "Do I understand you are for this new charter, then?" he asked. "No, no," said the other.