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"Je t'ai tout dit; ca a ete seulement un etat d'abattement complet accompagne d'excitation des centres nerveux." "KEW. Thursday. "Le temps est si mauvais que je n'ai pas pu faire une seule esquisse. Ma tante Susan t'a ecrit pour te dire que la pauvre Anne a cesse de souffrir. J'ai recu une lettre de son mari qui me dit que les derniers jours ont ete bien penibles.

"No, indeed, and hadn't the slightest intention of being." Miss Nancy took up the tale. "Not until we were taking off our gloves in the hotel verandah, and making up our minds to a good hot lunch, did those oysters appear exactly half a dozen, and bread and butter extra! And we couldn't say we hadn't ordered them. And the lunch was only two francs fifty, complet.

The next edition of the Theatre Complet, in 1855, reinstated the prefaces. It was not until 1865 that Mercadet joined the other four in a single volume published by Mme. Houssiaux. Vautrin, a drama in five acts, was presented for the first time in the Porte-Saint-Martin theatre, March 14, 1840.

She tried to wake it up a little wider by talking, by rejoicing, by plunging into water and into clothes, and she made out that it was ten o'clock, but also that Mrs. Wix had not yet breakfasted. The day before, at nine, they had had together a café complet in their sitting-room. Mrs. Wix on her side had evidently also a refuge to seek.

June 23, 1815. I never was so disgusted with any concern as I am with this; and I only hope that I am going the right way to bring it to an early determination some way or other. June 25, 1815. Waterloo described to a Soldier. Notre Bataille du 18 a été une de géans; et notre succès a été complet, comme vous voyez.

Selon l'esclave renégat, celle de Médine doit annuellement être compossée de sept cent mille personnes; et quand ce nombre n'est pas complet, Dieu; pour le remplir, y envoie des agnes. Au grand jour du jugement Mahomet fera entrer en paradis autant de personnes qu'il voudra, et la ils auront

"C'est Ic triomphe complet et definitif du Socialism!" Thus did Guizot characterize the 2d of December.

Je tiens infiniment a recueillir tout ce qui a echappe a ce grand coeur et a cette vaillante plume, et je commence un travail qui ne sera sans doute complet que dans quelques annees.

There is a very subtle and fragrant charm about these old recollections which the sight or sound of a score, a view of an old photograph of Lillian Russell or Judic, or a dip in the Théâtre Complet of Meilhac and Halévy will reawaken. But it is only at a revival of one of our old favourites that we can really bathe in sentimentality, drink in draughts of joy from the past, allow memory full away.

The Parisian omnibuses, as I remember them half a century ago, they may still keep to the same habit, for aught that I know, used to put up the sign "Complet" as soon as they were full. Our public conveyances are never full until the natural atmospheric pressure of sixteen pounds to the square inch is doubled, in the close packing of the human sardines that fill the all-accommodating vehicles.