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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Challenger was the man who came with some cock-and-bull story from South America." "What story?" "Oh, it was rank nonsense about some queer animals he had discovered. I believe he has retracted since. Anyhow, he has suppressed it all. He gave an interview to Reuter's, and there was such a howl that he saw it wouldn't do. It was a discreditable business.

He downed it in two gulps, and presently the color began to come back to his cheeks, and then Strong came hurrying in. "Is Mr. Harris still here? and that other specimen Mr. Willett?" Case demanded on the instant. "That's well, anyhow! And the cavalry still out? That's bad. We want 'em here, here, I tell you, and quick, too! Gentlemen, this is no cock-and-bull story.

'What a plague do you mean? cried he, angrily turning on his companion. 'Why did you throw your shoes at my head? 'Brother! replied the other mildly, 'do not be vexed. I didn't throw them at you, but at a Partridge that was sitting on your stick. 'On my stick! Do you take me for a fool? shouted the injured man, in a great rage. 'Don't tell me such cock-and-bull stories.

There was no use now denying the fact of his arrest, and so he confest it at onst: but he made a cock-and-bull story of treachery of a friend, infimous fodgery, and heaven knows what. However, it didn't matter much; if he had told her that he had been betrayed by the man in the moon, she would have bleavd him. Lady Griffin never used to appear now at any of my visits.

They confessed to it, but first they told a cock-and-bull yarn about coming from Fleming County, Kentucky, to join the Southern troops!" "What!" yelled the Judge. "There you are!" Alf shouted triumphantly. "Get 'em!" Tom jumped to his feet. There was no time to warn Wilson and Shadrack. He could hear the boots pounding up the stairs. He sprang to the window and threw it open.

Finding us easy in our ways, he regretted having let us off so cheaply; and taking me aside, told me a cock-and-bull story with the moral of another five francs for the narrator. The thing was palpably absurd; but I paid up, and at once dropped all friendliness of manner, and kept him in his place as an inferior with freezing British dignity.

Try to be clear. Who has told you this cock-and-bull story?" "It is the truth." "She has taken it?" "To give to her mother yes." "And she?" "Has taken it? Yes." The scholar, ordinarily so cool and self-contained, could not withhold an execration. His small eyes glittered, his face swelled with rage; for a moment he was within a little of an explosion.

He'll tell some cock-and-bull story that will put him to the good with the cops." But Fremont was not so sure of the resourcefulness of Jimmie, and worried over the matter not a little as they walked the streets, quieting down now, for the soldiers had been called back to camp and the citizens of the town were seeking their homes and beds.

"Von of dem say dot poy vos stole some money alretty." "It was a cock-and-bull story to make him a prisoner," said Tom. "I'm going to find him if I can," and he threw himself on the door with all of his strength. At first the barrier refused to budge, but when Sam and Frank also pushed, it gave way with a bang, hurling the trio to the floor inside.

"In that case I shall go to Dr Jolliffe, and put the matter in his hands," replied Crawley. "Well, I do not mind coming to hear what cock-and-bull story you have trumped up," muttered Saurin, turning away. He feared lest an unguarded word should betray him. His anxiety was terrible. What did Crawley know? What was mere conjecture?

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