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He was a kind-hearted man and sent me a wedding present a silver bootjack to take off my hunting boots with. He said it might be useful to both of us, which was a distinct libel on Dolores' dear little feet. At last the eve of our wedding came and Claridge's Hotel was filled from basement to roof, principally with the relatives of both families.

Either the man who took all this trouble and risk to break into Claridge's place must have desired to sell the cameo at a good price, or he must have desired to keep it for himself, being a lover of such things. But neither of these has been the actual motive." "Perhaps he thinks he can extort a good sum from me by way of ransom?" "No, it isn't that.

Then his wandering, enfeebled attention heard music afar off, and he remembered some remark of Sissie's to the effect that Claridge's was the best place for dancing in London on Sunday nights. He would gaze Byronically upon the dance. He signed his bill and mooned towards the ball-room, which was full of radiant couples: a dazzling scene, fit to mark the end of an epoch and of a society.

He did not know that Mrs. Clarke was rich. Indeed he had heard in London that she only had a small income, but that she "did wonders" with it. In London he had seen her at Claridge's and at the marvelous flat in Knightsbridge. Now, at Buyukderer, he found her in a small, but beautifully arranged and furnished, villa with a lovely climbing garden behind it.

Miss Van Tuyn talked with her usual assurance, but he fancied that her violet eyes were full of inquiry when they glanced at him; and he began to feel positive that the worst had happened, and that Fanny Cronin had informed her no, misinformed her of what had happened at Claridge's.

I don't mean you, because you'll never smash, and one don't turn bear-leader, even to the B. P., without the primary impulse of being hard-up. And I don't talk for myself, because, when I go to the dogs I have my own project." "And what's that?" "To be groom of the chambers at Meurice's or Claridge's," responded Bertie solemnly.

It has been such a long six months; and before you earn three thousand dollars I shall be an old, old maid. But if you get work here we could see each other every day." They were in the Sewards' sitting-room at Claridge's. Sam took up the desk telephone. "In London," he said, "my one best and only bet is a man named Forsythe, who helps edit the Pall Mall. I'll telephone him now.

And with a smiling bow he turned away, while Lord Stanway stood and gazed after him, with an expression that implied a suspicion that his special detective was making a fool of him. In rather more than an hour Hewitt was back in Mr. Claridge's shop. "Mr. Claridge," he said, "I think I must ask you one or two questions in private. May I see you in your own room?"

"If I could only think you would give me another chance, sir " he said, eagerly taking a step forward. "I cannot promise," I said. "I must consider." Don Juan's conduct upon our arrival in London was both a revelation and a surprise to me. First, following a custom, now long established for diplomatists, he put up at Claridge's.

Claridge is bad to-night." A sinister smile passed over Eglington's face. "Who brings the message, Garry?" "A servant Miss Claridge's, my lord." An ironical look came into Eglington's eyes; then they softened a little. In a moment he placed a jar of oxygen in the butler's hands.