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The cibolero had roused the indignation of the aristocracy, and the jealousy and envy of the democracy; so that, after all his brilliant performances, he was likely to leave the field anything but a favourite. The wild words of his strange old mother had been widely reported, and national hatred was aroused, so that his skill called forth envy instead of admiration.

"I am he!" answered Vizcarra, now quite recovered from his fright, "I am the Comandante. What have you to communicate, my man?" "Your excellency, I have a favour to ask;" and the cibolero again saluted with an humble bow. "I told you so," whispered Roblado to his superior. "All safe, my colonel."

Not so much that he was jealous though he did love her after his own fashion, and was piqued at the thought of such a rival but he feared that spirit of hers, and dreaded that her splendid fortune might yet escape him. Such a woman was capable of the wildest resolve. She might take to a convent; or maybe to the plains with this base-born cibolero!

At starting Carlos had cautioned secrecy as to the expedition. It had left at an early hour, before any one was abroad, and no one knew of it. Indeed, no one in the valley was aware that the cibolero had returned before the news of the affair at the Presidio. His mules had been quietly unpacked, and were herded at a distance from the rancho by one of his men.

It would undoubtedly get abroad why the cibolero had made such a desperate attempt upon his life it would spread until it reached high quarters such a report could not be passed over an investigation might be ordered; and that, unless he could destroy every trace of suspicion, might be his ruin.

Here the Comandante looked significantly at his companion. "Oh! certainly certainly," replied the latter. "You may take the troop; or, if you are not inclined, send Garcia or the sergeant with them." "I'll go myself," replied Roblado. "It will be safer. Should the cibolero incline to follow certain trails, I can lead him away from them, or refuse yes it will be better for me to go myself.

His time was too much taken up with his own pleasures to allow him to care for aught else. All these points had passed under the keen observation of the cibolero before Vizcarra returned to announce his intention of sending the troop. He had scarce parted out of sight the second time ere the former had taken his measures.

He sprang forward, and looked in the direction indicated. A horseman, covered with sweat and dust, was galloping up the road. He was near enough for Roblado to distinguish his features. Vizcarra had already distinguished them. It was Carlos the cibolero! The announcement made by the cibolero on the bluff startled Don Juan, as if a shot had passed through him.

When he had arrived within three hundred yards of the grove, he stopped in his tracks, and uttered a low whistle. To this signal the cibolero replied, and the man, again advancing as before, was soon within the shadow of the grove. It was Antonio. "Were you followed, amigo?" asked Carlos. "As usual, master; but I had no difficulty in throwing them off." "Hereafter it may not be so easy."

The cibolero should die like a captive Indian by fire at the stake. Vizcarra swore this! After him, the mother, too. She was deemed a witch. She should be punished as often witches have been. In this he would not have to act alone. He knew that the padres would endorse the act. They were well inclined to such fanatical cruelties. Then the sister, alone uncared for by any one.