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Should the cibolero appear, it was not the duty of the spies to attack him. They were only to communicate with a troop kept in readiness not far off that thus insured a sufficient force for the object. The mother and sister of the cibolero had returned to live in the rancho. The peons had re-roofed and repaired it an easy task, as the walls had not been injured by the five.

There was no authority that could give them aid or redress. The cibolero, who had remained for a while silent and thoughtful, at length spoke out. His tone was altered. He seemed to have conceived some plan that held out a hope. "Comrades!" he said, "I can think of nothing but an open demand, and that must be made within the hour.

As it is, there's no fear of discovery, even were the cibolero himself to make his appearance " "Roblado!" cried the Comandante, interrupting him, and speaking in a deep earnest voice. "Well?" inquired the captain, regarding Vizcarra with astonishment. "I have had a dream a fearful dream; and that not the ravings of the girl it is that is now troubling me. Diablos! a fearful dream!"

As for the cibolero himself, his residence must remain unknown, except to one or two of his tried friends. He knew where he should find a shelter. To him the open plain or the mountain cave was alike a home. He needed no roof. The starry canopy was as welcome as the gilded ceiling of a palace. The Tagnos were enjoined to secrecy. They were not sworn.

But where can it be? Madre de Dios! where can it be?" All these phrases were uttered in a tone and emphasis that showed the concern of the speaker at the loss of some object that greatly interested her. That object was no other than the note brought by Josefa, and written by Carlos the cibolero, in which the assignation for that night had been appointed. No wonder she was uneasy at its loss!

In return for his outlay and perilous journey, the cibolero carries back dried buffalo-flesh and hides some the produce of his own hunting, some procured by barter from the Indians. Horses, mules, and asses, are also articles of exchange. Of these the prairie Indians possess vast herds some individuals owning hundreds; and most of them with Mexican brands!

There were not wanting those who fancied that in bowing the eyes of the cibolero were directed on the fair Catalina de Cruces; and some went so far as to assert that she smiled and looked content; but that could not be. The heiress of the rich Don Ambrosio smile to a compliment from a cibolero! There was one, however, who did smile.

"The Wacoes are not hostile," remarked the cibolero. I think we have nothing to fear from them. No doubt they will trade with us. But where are they? This question was drawn forth by the cibolero observing that not a creature was to be seen about the lodges, neither man, woman, child, nor animal! And yet it could not be a deserted camp.

"Colonel Vizcarra," said he, "I will not bet that Sergeant Gomez cannot perform the feat; but I'll wager there's another on the ground can do it as well as he. Double the amount if you please." "Name your man!" said Vizcarra. "Carlos the cibolero." "Enough I accept your wager. Any one else may have their trial," continued Vizcarra, addressing the crowd.

If his sister was their captive, her lot was hard indeed; and the very thought of such a fate caused the cibolero to start up with a shudder, and clench his hands in a convulsive effort of passion. It was near morning. The peons were astir and armed. The horses and mules were saddled in the patio, and Don Juan had announced that all were ready.