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The Indian then galloped back, and, after a short interval, returned again, and invited the cibolero and his companion to the encampment. Carlos of course accepted the courtesy, and a few minutes after, he and Antonio were eating fresh buffalo-beef, and chatting in perfect amity with their new hosts.

A man floundering out of a muddy ditch, and drenched to the skin, however daring the attempt that led to it, would cut but a sorry figure in the eyes of a holiday crowd; and in such a situation did they wish to see Carlos placed. Whether the cibolero suspected their object did not appear. His reply does not show. When it was heard, the "zequia" and its muddy water were at once forgotten.

The name of Carlos the cibolero spread more terror than the rumour of an Indian invasion! The belief in the supernatural became strengthened. Scarce any one now doubted that the cibolero's mother was a witch, or that all these deeds performed by her son were the result of her aid and inspiration. There was not the slightest hope that he would either be captured or killed. How could he?

He reflected that he could do no better than wait till the dog should return, or by his attack give some sign of what he was after. It might, after all, be the grizzly bear, or some other animal, he was pursuing. The cibolero sat upon his horse in perfect silence not unprepared though for any sudden attack. His true rifle lay across his thighs, and he had already looked to its flint and priming.

"Go!" cried she, tossing back her long flax-coloured locks, and waving her arms in the air "go, Carlos the cibolero, and show the tawny cowards slaves that they are what a free American can do. To the cliff! to the cliff!" As she uttered the awful command, she sank back into the carreta, and relapsed into her former silence. Carlos interrogated her no further.

Several games were yet carried on upon the plain, but they were without general interest. The splendid feat of the cibolero had eclipsed all lesser exhibitions for the time; besides, a number of the head men were out of humour. Vizcarra was sad, and Roblado savage jealous of Catalina. The alcalde and his assistant were in a vexed state, as both had bet heavy sums on the red cock.

He pastured them upon the great plains on the eastern side of the Sierra Blanca where I was in the habit of going in my capacity of cibolero to hunt the buffaloes. The hatero and I became acquainted became friends. He invited me to visit his house, and I went. I saw Gabriella for the first time; and ever afterwards was her beautiful face before my eyes.

Catalina had been captured in the garden, taken while praying for the safe escape of her lover. Jose had remained in charge of her, while the rest rushed down to assist in the capture of Carlos, at which Jose, knowing the cibolero as he did, and not being over brave, evinced no desire to be present. Catalina heard the shots and shouts that denoted the terrible struggle.

They had their reasons for believing that the cibolero, during his period of outlawry, was dwelling in a cave that opened into this ravine, and which was well-known to the mulatto; that Carlos came out in the night, and approached the settlements the place was but ten miles from his own rancho and that he was met somewhere by Antonio, who gave him information of what was going on, bringing him provisions at the same time.

He is now a runaway, and therefore hates everything that reminds him of his former masters. Among other souvenirs, as I am told, he hates our cibolero with a good stout hatred. This springs partly from the feeling already mentioned, and partly from the rivalry of hunter-fame. So much in our favour.