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Carr: "it is cold out here, with the door open." "Take 'em upstairs! You don't know what is upstairs!" shouted Phil, whereupon Elsie frowned and shook her head at him. The parlor was gay with daffodils and hyacinths, and vases of blue violets, which smelt delightfully. Cecy had helped to arrange them, Elsie said. And just at that moment Cecy herself came in.

The tiny house had not been inhabited since we lived there.... My aunt Siddons is better, and Cecy very well. Your affectionate F. A. K. The house was by no means a good one, though it had been the abode of royalty; but the park was charming, and the whole neighborhood, especially the wooded ranges of St. George's Hill, extremely wild and picturesque.... Lord Francis Egerton bought St.

It was a little silver bell, with "Katy" engraved on the handle. "Cousin Helen sent it. It's for you to ring when you want anybody to come," explained Elsie. More surprises. To the other arm of the chair was fastened a beautiful book. It was "The Wide Wide World" and there Was Katy's name written on it, 'from her affectionate Cecy. On it stood a great parcel of dried cherries from Mrs. Hall. Mrs.

Melinda Jones was there all the time, while Mrs. Jones was back and forth, and a few of the Olney ladies dropped in with suggestions and offers of assistance. It was to be a grand affair so far, at least, as numbers were concerned for everybody was invited, from Mr. Townsend and the other clergy, down to Cecy Doane, who did dressmaking and tailoring from house to house.

It was agreed that they should first try Pilgrim's Path, and afterward make a thorough exploration of the whole of their little kingdom, and see all that had happened since last they were there. So in they marched, Katy and Cecy heading the procession, and Dorry, with his great trailing bunch of boughs, bringing up the rear.

Debby's sister-in-law brought a bundle of dried chamomile for the same purpose. Some one had told her it was the "handiest thing in the world to take along with you on them steamboats." Cecy sent a wonderful old-gold and scarlet contrivance to hang on the wall of the stateroom.

"It was once upon a time," she read, "Moonlight lay on the halls of the Alhambra, and the knight, striding impatiently down the passage, thought she would never come." "Who, the moon?" asked Clover. "No, of course not," replied Cecy, "a lady he was in love with. The next verse is going to tell about her, only you interrupted. "She wore a turban of silver, with a jewelled crescent.

This place the children called "Paradise," and to them it seemed as wide and endless and full of adventure as any forest of fairy land. The way to Paradise was through some wooden bars. Katy and Cecy climbed these with a hop, skip and jump, while the smaller ones scrambled underneath.

Carr's front door behind her with a bang, might have been struck with the singular fact that a distant bang came from her own front door like a sort of echo. But she was not a suspicious woman; and when she went up stairs there were Cecy's clothes neatly folded on a chair, and Cecy herself in bed, fast asleep, only with a little more color than usual in her cheeks.

Cecy is real kind, and lets me see all her things. She has got a lovely breast- pin too, and a new fan with ivory sticks, and all sorts of things. I wish I was grown up. It must be so nice. I was to tell you something, only you mustn't tell any body except Katy.