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So one Wednesday afternoon, when Susy was away, Prudy called Dotty into the nursery, and shut the door. "What you want me of?" asked the child. "I want to tell you something nice. Don't you wish you knew your A, B, C's, darling? There, that's what it is." Dotty shook her head three or four times, and looked down at the carpet. "Why, Dotty Dimple, you oughtn't to do so.

C's camp could not be distant and pursued our rout untill dark with the hope of reaching his camp in this however we were disappointed and night coming on compelled us to encamp on the N. E. shore in the next bottom above our encampment of the 23rd and 24th of April 1805. as we came too a herd of buffaloe assembled on the shore of which we killed a fat cow.

Early in September, I set forth on my voyage of discovery my voyages, I ought to say; for every day I and my pony-phaeton made our way to whatever garden within our reach bore a sufficiently high character to be suspected of harbouring the good Dahlia Phoebus. Monday we called at Lady A.'s; Tuesday at General B's; Wednesday at Sir John C's; Thursday at Mrs.

He looked at me in astonishment, like a man charged suddenly with a crime, and slid his long hand out under her slim throat, and over her silk foretop; then he growled. "You don't know your A, B, C's, Quiller. She wants water; that's all." Jud grinned like a bronzed Bacchus. "The queen might wear Spanish needles in her shirt," he said, "an' be damned.

As I handed the paper to Raoul, I whispered in his ear "To Colonel C's own hand. Privately, Raoul privately, do you hear?" Colonel C. was my friend, and I knew that he would send a private party to my rescue. "I understand, Captain," was the answer of Raoul. "Ready, then! now mount and be off."

Don't you know, Wee, really? This thing has got to be handed in in twenty minutes." Wee searched through her desk for a dictionary. "Look it up," she suggested, turning to the C's. "Sometimes you can get a start that way." Blue Bonnet gathered up dictionary and papers and moved to a vacant seat. "Thank you so much, Wee," she whispered in passing, "I've got to sit alone where I can think.

Not the least in the world. But C wishes to make a profit of one franc on every hat, while D is content with fifty centimes. It is evident that D's moderation is injurious to C's extravagant claims. Has the latter a right to prevent D from selling? Certainly not.

And so poor Liberty, instead of having a sinecure as a mere illuminator, must be converted into a Chautauqua schoolma'am, with the oceans for her field instead of the placid, classic lake. With a fireless torch and an empty head must she dispel the shadows of the world and teach it its A, B, C's. "Ah, there, Mrs. Liberty!" called a clear, rollicking soprano voice through the still, midnight air.

C's indisposition was a further inducement for my remaining here a couple of days; I therefore informed the men of my intention, and they put their deer skins in the water in order to prepare them for dressing tomorrow. we begin to feel considerable anxiety with rispect to the Snake Indians. if we do not find them or some other nation who have horses I fear the successfull issue of our voyage will be very doubtfull or at all events much more difficult in it's accomplishment. we are now several hundred miles within the bosom of this wild and mountanous country, where game may rationally be expected shortly to become scarce and subsistence precarious without any information with rispect to the country not knowing how far these mountains continue, or wher to direct our course to pass them to advantage or intersept a navigable branch of the Columbia, or even were we on such an one the probability is that we should not find any timber within these mountains large enough for canoes if we judge from the portion of them through which we have passed. however I still hope for the best, and intend taking a tramp myself in a few days to find these yellow gentlemen if possible. my two principal consolations are that from our present position it is impossible that the S. W. fork can head with the waters of any other river but the Columbia, and that if any Indians can subsist in the form of a nation in these mountains with the means they have of acquiring food we can also subsist.

"To be sure," agreed his brother. "Let's go in and learn our A B C's and then we can go home and tell mamma all about it. This is an adventure, all right." "I believe it is," said Curly.