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La, la, la, la; mi, in E major, key of four sharps. By Jove, my little man! here is a fellow who sings B's and C's away up in the clouds; an E sharp, too!" he continued, with astonishment, while the singer made a hold upon the keynote an octave higher in a voice as clear as a crystal.

"Wal," said Walky, "I b'lieve we could give the little shavers a better chance to l'arn their A, B, C's. And that old schoolhouse can't be het on re'l cold days. And it's as onhandy as it can be " "I believe you're goin' in for these new-fangled notions, too, Walky," declared the druggist. "Guess I be, on the school question, anyway.

For less than five centuries now Gutenberg has had them scurrying to learn their A, B, C's, but they are drifting back to their old ways again, and nightly are forming themselves in cues at the doorways of the "Isis," the "Tivoli," and the "Riviera," the while it is sadly noted that "'the pictures' are driving literature off the parlor table."

They live in the open, and they know how to ride and swim before they know what six- times-six is. As for me, I can't remember when I first got on a horse nor when I learned to swim. That came before my A B C's. Dad owned cattle ranches on Hawaii and Maui big ones, for the islands. Hokuna had two hundred thousand acres alone.

'Yo're entirely too mysterious fer me, Mis' Dawson, sez I. 'I can't, fer the life o' me, think uv one soul you know whose name begins with a M. 'M, sez she, 'who said that was a letter M? Yo're jest a-puttin' on. You know that ain't no M. "'That's what it is, sez I. 'I haven't waited till I'm old enough to have gran'children to l'arn my a b c's.

The most trivial incident will suggest to them the formation of a club a gilt crown, an attractive name, etc. An amusing instance has lately come up in this connection. Several boys of about thirteen or fourteen asked the use of one of the club rooms for the "Three C's." Very reticent they were about the nature of this organization.

This rich man chum of mine went West, bought land, sat on it, got up with his jeans full of money. Wants you to come at once." Abbott was elated. "What kind of new ideas, Bob?" he asked joyously. "Oh, that impractical nonsense of teaching life instead of books I guess it's as much an advance over the common thing, as teaching words instead of a, b, c's.

"Yes, sir; they fired well, a hundred rounds, I should think. They scattered all the Germans, sir: they ran like mad." We had given up hope of ever hearing again of the two sniping guns sited just behind the original front line, C's 18-pdr. and D's 4·5 how. They were at least 2000 yards in front of the ill-fated A Battery, and must have been captured.

This was the first opportunity the boys had had of seeing the methods, by which Mr Evans's syllabic characters were taught to the Indians. With a home-made blackboard, and a very white kind of clay as a substitute for chalk, these syllabic characters were put down upon the board like the alphabet, and there to be studied like the A, B, C's. It was committed to memory.

He speaks of this very study in F minor and the enchanting way Rubinstein and Essipowa ended it the echo- like effects on the four C's, the pedal floating the tone. The pedals are half the battle in Chopin playing. ONE CAN NEVER PLAY CHOPIN BEAUTIFULLY ENOUGH. Realistic treatment dissipates his dream palaces, shatters his aerial architecture.