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In a moment I was out of my state-room, at the bulwark, holding fast to a stanchion, and looking over the side at the white and seething water caused by her sudden and violent stoppage. The sea was comparatively smooth, the night pitch-dark, and the fog deep and impenetrable; the ship would rise with the swell, and come down with a bump and quiver that was decidedly unpleasant.

When the recitation was nearly finished, and both parties had recovered their self-possession, the vessel gave a sudden "bump," which nearly tipped the professor off his stool; but he righted himself, and was too much absorbed in his favorite study to think of the incident for a moment. "Mr.

It was raining, and my polite friends did not want me to take cold." His tone was bitterly cutting; taking cold would evidently have been of small account to him. "And they sat you upon that log?" put in Maud. "Like any ordinary bump," he rejoined. "I never knew the misery of a bump on a log before." "And, you are not hurt?" Hazel pressed close to his side and looked up lovingly at the tall boy.

Done in a jiffy; and whoop, crick, crack, whack, rumble, bump, whirr, whisk, away we blazed, till, ere we knew it, another change, and another. "Really, H.," said I, "this is not slow. The fact is, we are going ahead. I call this travelling never was so comfortable in my life." "Nor I," quoth she. "And, besides, we are unwinding the Rhone all along."

It was a heart-breaking business, that blind hewing and chopping at the complicated gear that held the wreck of the mainmast fast to the hull; but it was accomplished at last, and then, the brig having paid off almost dead before the wind, it drifted astern and went clear, with much scraping and a final bump under the counter that made the old hooker tremble, and must have infallibly destroyed the rudder had it chanced to hit it.

"It isn't your stummick, on which you're crawlin' at this moment like Satan in the garden. And only yesterday your askin' to be put into weskits on the ground of your age! A nice business 'twould be to keep your front in buttons!" While admonishing 'Biades, 'Beida continued to bump herself on the sea-chest, her speech by consequence coming in short interrupted gushes like water from a pump.

And yet if Fatia Negra had only been able to foresee what was about to happen the next instant, if only he had been able to guess what would happen during the first few moments of the first approaching quarter of an hour, could he but have heard one step, one bump which might have told him what was going on just then above his head, instead of extending his hands towards the girl, he would have done much more wisely if he had grasped in each hand one of the sacks lying on the other scale and made off with it somewhere through that dark corridor which nobody knew of but he himself, under the special protection of the devil.

"Just waltz in and show him," whispered Dalzell, as the call sounded. Pennington entered the sixth round with more confidence. He began, at the outset, to drive in heavy blows, nor did Dave do much dodging. Bump! Twenty-five seconds only of this round had gone when Darrin landed his right fist with fearful force upon the high point of Pennington's jaw. Down went the larger midshipman again.

In the cramped space between Cape Bon and the Strait of Messina, the sea bottom rises almost all at once. It forms an actual ridge with only seventeen meters of water remaining above it, while the depth on either side is 170 meters. Consequently, the Nautilus had to maneuver with caution so as not to bump into this underwater barrier.

Went out to get the air." "Well, let me doctor that bump. Sit right still; I'll take care of you." Merry hurried away, soon returning with a bowl of cool water and a sponge. He also had some sort of soothing liniment. Hodge returned while Frank was at work over Berlin. "Managed to calm the girls down and sent them back to bed," he said.