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Glancing up, he saw Louise looking at him. He smiled. "I was settin' on a crazy bronc' holdin' his head up so he couldn't go to buckin' outside a little old adobe down in Yuma, Arizona, then. Did you ever drift away like that, just from some little old trick to make you dream?" At a nod from Aunt Eleanor they all rose.

The new rider for the Flying V Y outfit did not accept the judgment of Prince without confirming it. He examined the hoofs of the horse and felt its legs carefully. He looked well to its ears to make sure that ticks from the mesquite had not infected the silky inner flesh. "A good bronc, looks like," he commented. "One of the fastest in the remuda not very gentle, though."

But this is a bronc of another color. Lead me to that trouble you was promisin' a while ago." Beresford led him to it, by way of a rain-washed gully, up which they trod their devious path slowly and without noise. From the gully they snaked through the dry grass to a small ditch that had been built to drain the camping-ground during spring freshets.

He did that to make us lose time; that's what he did it for. An' he couldn't tell what bronc he took last night it was too dark. He must 'a' struck a match an' seen where that Bar-20 cayuse was an' then took the first one nearest that wasn't it.

"If your canteen and rations had held out, and you'd kept on going the way you were headed, eventually you would have landed in Death Valley," the guide informed her. "But I followed the tracks left by the pony I was riding," she protested. "I reckon you followed some other pony's tracks, for I was on the trail of the bronc' you are riding." "Mr.

"Bronc' bucked me over on the saddle horn," explained Applegate. "Sure, I'll stay. And the Pringle person will be right here when you get back, too." "Let the Major take some supper in to Miss Vorhis," suggested Breslin. "I'll keep an eye on him. He can eat with her and cheer her up a little. This is hard lines for a girl." Lisner shrugged his shoulders.

I'm on the bronc Sanders rides, and you an' I are horse-thieves now as well as killers. This certainly gets us in bad." "I've a notion to turn back yet," said Jim, with the irritability of a sick man. "How in Mexico did he happen to light on Snaith-McRobert stock? Looks like he might have found somethin' else for us." "Bud has too much imagination," admitted Prince ruefully.

"Don't run on the rope with me, young fellow. You'll sure be huntin' trouble." "What's the use o' beefin'? I've got the deadwood on you. Better hit the dust back to town and explain to the boys how yore bronc went lame," advised Dave. "Come down and I'll wallop the tar outa you." "Much obliged. I'm right comfortable here." "I've a mind to come up and dig you out." "Please yoreself, Dug.

Onward these mighty Yale forwards ground their way through the Princeton defense, making a breach through which the mighty Butterworth, Bronc Armstrong and Brink Thorne might bring victory to Yale. This was truly a day when giants clashed. As you look at these pictures do the players of to-day wonder any longer that the heroes of the olden time are still loyal to the game of their first love?

"They seen you bust the black bronc' this morning, and bein' as no female woman ever pulled off a stunt like it in these parts, they reckoned it might not make you mad if they told you you was all to the good." "Thank you thank you all."