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Updated: August 1, 2024

Look out, m'm!" presently she would cry. "Well, and ain't they figged out! The whole four of the girls and every one of 'em in a new bonnet! And them buyin' a pound-and-a-half of butter a week for the whole fam'ly! Tha's what I always say, m'm; the Briggses is a fam'ly that save out of their insides to put it on their bids.

Percy Noakes bowed very low; the gallant captain did the same with all due ferocity, and the Briggses were clearly overcome. ‘Our friend, Mr. Wizzle, being unfortunately prevented from coming,’ resumed Mrs. Taunton, ‘I did myself the pleasure of bringing the captain, whose musical talents I knew would be a great acquisition.’

A bedroom, a tiny parlor and a kitchen, which was also an eating-room, made up the suite. The Briggses did all their daylight living in the last-named apartment. The floor was painted yellow; the walls were whitewashed; the furniture was homely, substantial and well-kept. Everything was shining clean, and both windows were full of plants, many of them in flower. Mrs.

They resided in Portland-street, Oxford-street, and moved in the same orbit as the Tauntonshence their mutual dislike. If the Miss Briggses appeared in smart bonnets, the Miss Tauntons eclipsed them with smarter. If Mrs. Taunton appeared in a cap of all the hues of the rainbow, Mrs. Briggs forthwith mounted a toque, with all the patterns of the kaleidoscope.

The latter alternative was preferable; and Mr. Percy Noakes therefore proposed that the form of balloting should be dispensed with, and that every gentleman should merely be required to state whom he intended to bring. The proposal was acceded to; the Tauntons and the Briggses were reinstated; and the party was formed.

Her grey eyes shone, and her face rippled with the light and conviction that had so much surprised Rose the first time they met. "It's useless minding," she said. "I shouldn't struggle if I were you. Because " She stopped, and looked first at one alarmed solemn face and then at the other, and laughter as well as light flickered and danced over her. "I see them being the Briggses," finished Mrs.

The party arrived off the Custom-house at about two o’clock on the Thursday morning dispirited and worn out. The Tauntons were too ill to quarrel with the Briggses, and the Briggses were too wretched to annoy the Tauntons. One of the guitar-cases was lost on its passage to a hackney-coach, and Mrs. Briggs has not scrupled to state that the Tauntons bribed a porter to throw it down an area. Mr.

It's all very well, but you see if I don't pay you out after school you sneak you! Master Lurcher. Enter the Knife-boy. Hamper for Briggses! Master Brown. Hurray, Tom Briggs! I'll lend you my knife. If this story does not carry its own moral, what fable does, I wonder?

Why, the name itself is reg'lar poetry. Jerusha is awful purty. Your Mollies and Sallies and Emmies can't hold a candle to it. And Annabel pshaw! Ellen why that's my mother's name. Briggs? I knowed some Briggses onceway-up, awfully nice people. Seems to me they wuz Presbyterians, though, and I always thought that Presbyterians wuz stuck-up, but they wuzzent stuck-up a mite.

I haven't never seen her in that black lace shawl before." "Perhaps she's laid it by from last summer," Mrs. Day would suggest. "Not she!" Here Emily would lean over the back of her mistress's chair and crane her neck to get a better view of the raiment in question. "Bran' new, I'll lay a guinea! And her still fifteen pound in your debt!" "Here come the Briggses!

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