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If Miss Sophia Taunton learnt a new song, two of the Miss Briggses came out with a new duet. The Tauntons had once gained a temporary triumph with the assistance of a harp, but the Briggses brought three guitars into the field, and effectually routed the enemy. There was no end to the rivalry between them. Now, as Mr.

Wednesday evening arrived; eight o’clock came, and eight members of the committee were punctual in their attendance. Mr. Loggins, the solicitor, of Boswell-court, sent an excuse, and Mr. Percy Noakes. Between the Briggses and the Tauntons there existed a degree of implacable hatred, quite unprecedented.

Percy Noakes received the visitors, and bowed to the strange gentleman, as if he should like to know who he was. This was just what Mrs. Taunton wanted. Here was an opportunity to astonish the Briggses. ‘Oh! I beg your pardon,’ said the general of the Taunton party, with a careless air.—‘Captain HelvesMr. Percy NoakesMrs. BriggsCaptain Helves.’ Mr.

Fisher, and for the first time since his arrival felt angry with his wife. "Really " he began indignantly. "Very well, Mellersh the Briggses, then." "The Briggses!" cried Mr. Wilkins, now very angry indeed; for the implication was to him a most outrageous insult to the entire race of Desters dead Desters, living Desters, and Desters still harmless because they were yet unborn. "Really "

‘Oh! not the slightest,’ returned the young lady, in a tone which clearly showed she had the greatest possible objection. ‘Shall I accompany you, dear?’ inquired one of the Miss Briggses, with the bland intention of spoiling the effect. ‘Very much obliged to you, Miss Briggs,’ sharply retorted Mrs. Taunton, who saw through the manoeuvre; ‘my daughters always sing without accompaniments.’

The colours of the Taunton party were pink; those of the Briggses a light blue. The Tauntons had artificial flowers in their bonnets; here the Briggses gained a decided advantagethey wore feathers. ‘How d’ye do, dear?’ said the Misses Briggs to the Misses Taunton.