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"Her husband and her uncle, Captain Redmayne, had gone to the bungalow, as they often did after working hours, to carry on a bit; but at midnight they hadn't come home, and she was put about for 'em. Hearing of the motor bike, I thought there might have been a breakdown, if not an accident, so I told Ford to knock up another chap and go down along the road.

And yet, there seemed to be a chain of rumor that exchanged bits of information. Only the crew could have seen the dead plants being carried down to our refuse breakdown plant; and the fact it was chromazone poisoning must have been deduced from a description by some of our group. At any rate, both groups knew all about it and a little bit more, as was usual with rumors by the second day.

As, however, he placed his left foot in the stirrup, and was about to spring into the saddle, Dick checked him. "Hold on a moment, Phil," he exclaimed, his eyes intently searching a certain part of the cliff about a quarter of a mile distant. "Do you see that notch in the line of the cliff, over there? From here it looks something like a `breakdown', but it may be the very spot we want to find.

So armed, the New Democracy will blunder into war, and the opening stage of the next great war will be the catastrophic breakdown of the formal armies, shame and disasters, and a disorder of conflict between more or less equally matched masses of stupefied, scared, and infuriated people.

He went very suddenly. Breakdown, Martin Cunningham said. Heart. He tapped his chest sadly. Blazing face: redhot. Too much John Barleycorn. Cure for a red nose. Drink like the devil till it turns adelite. A lot of money he spent colouring it. Mr Power gazed at the passing houses with rueful apprehension. He had a sudden death, poor fellow, he said. The best death, Mr Bloom said.

She was on the very edge of a nervous breakdown before she entered the room. But with regard to Mr.

Statesman or lawyer, chemist or electrician, priest or professor, native or foreign, he would fear none. King's breakdown, physical as well as financial, brought the indirect gain to Adams that, on recovering strength, King induced him to go to Cuba, where, in January, 1894, they drifted into the little town of Santiago.

"Dis is der best sight vot I have yet had in more as a month. Half a pretzel!" he exclaimed, holding out one of the queer, twisted things. He was never without them since the sled breakdown. He said they were his mascots. There was a scene of rejoicing, and even the gloomy Mr. Sneed condescended to smile, and looked almost happy.

"Yes dear friends," faltered the girl, tremulously, on the verge of a breakdown, now that the ordeal was past. Wilson Moore stood gazing out of the door, his eyes far away on the gray slopes. "Queer how things turn out," he said, dreamily. "August thirteenth!... That's about the time the columbines blow on the hills.... And I always meant columbine-time "

Current frustrating experience with the breakdown of western civilization, coupled with historical precedents, confront the present generation of mankind with a compelling challenge and a unique, precious opportunity. The challenge arises out of experiments with particular civilizations and with civilization as a way of life.