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For brief reading: MAYO-SMITH, Statistics and Sociology, Chaps. IV-VIII. BAILEY, Modern Social Conditions, Chaps. For more extended reading: BONAR, Malthus and his Work. BOWLEY, Elements of Statistics. MALTHUS, Essay on the Principle of Population. NEWSHOLME, Vital Statistics. In new countries population may increase by immigration as well as by the surplus of births over deaths.

Mr Bowley, however, soon made the unpleasing discovery, that it is one thing to open an establishment of the kind which had already swallowed up two-thirds of his capital and another thing to induce the public to patronise it.

Bowley looked round him, and catching sight of Rose Shaw moved towards her, threw out his hands, and exclaimed: "Well!" "Nothing!" she replied. "Nothing at all though I left them alone the entire afternoon on purpose." "Dear me, dear me," said Mr. Bowley. "I will ask Jimmy to breakfast." "But who could resist her?" cried Rose Shaw. "Dearest Clara I know we mustn't try to stop you..." "You and Mr.

Then he sat up and methodically replenished the fire, kicking the dying embers together until they blazed afresh. "Jim Bowley do sing mighty sweet," he said, in disparaging tones. "Like a crazy buzz-saw, I guess. S'pose them beasties is gettin' kind o' restless. Say, Nat, how goes the time? It must be night on ter your spell." Nat sat up and drew out a great silver watch. "Haf an hour yet, pard."

Filer was there, the great Alderman Cute was there Alderman Cute had a sympathetic feeling with great people, and had considerably improved his acquaintance with Sir Joseph Bowley on the strength of his attentive letter: indeed had become quite a friend of the family since then and many guests were there.

But he feels himself free to confess, that he is at the present moment under a cloud, and that it would be inconvenient to him to liquidate his score just then, though, of course, if Bowley insists, &c.

If this be so, then unity through trade and finance will be less universal, but more close-knit in its narrower scope. A.L. Bowley, England's Foreign Trade. Swan Sonnenschein. C.K. Hobson, The Export of Capital. Constable. W.S. Jevons, Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Smith's Wealth of Nations, chs. i-iv.

The other had been busy fixing a gag in Jake Bond's mouth. Jim Bowley saw the horses come up. And, in the now brilliant moonlight, he beheld and recognized a grand-looking golden chestnut. There was no mistaking that glorious beast. Jim was no tenderfoot; he had been on the prairie in this district for years.

Sir Joseph Bowley, Baronet and Member of Parliament, was to play a match at skittles real skittles with his tenants! 'Which quite reminds me, said Alderman Cute, 'of the days of old King Hal, stout King Hal, bluff King Hal. Ah! Fine character! 'Very, said Mr. Filer, dryly. 'For marrying women and murdering 'em. Considerably more than the average number of wives by the bye.

Now they were close upon the fire. One of the unconscious cow-boys, Jim Bowley, stirred. A moment passed. Then the intruders drew a step nearer. Suddenly Jim roused and then sat up. His action at once became a signal. There was a sound of swift footsteps, and the next instant the astonished man was gazing into the muzzle of a heavy pistol. "Hands up!" cried the voice of the leading half-breed.