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Her aunt took a solemn leave of her, crossed her forehead, kissed it, and whispered in her ear, "Be courageous, and be fortunate." "May not my bower-maiden, Rose Flammock, or my tire-woman, Dame Gillian, Raoul's wife, remain in the apartment with me for this night?" said Eveline. "Flammock-Raoul!" repeated Ermengarde, angrily; "is thy household thus made up?

He certainly did not admire the little, slight, pale bower-maiden, but he seemed to look upon her like some strange, almost uncanny, wise spirit out of some other sphere, and his manner towards her had none of the offensive freedom apparent in even the old man's patronage. It was, as Ermentrude once said, laughing, almost as if he feared that she might do something to him.

The Countess, who had heard nothing, for she had been sleeping since her bower-maiden returned from supper, looked up with more interest than she usually showed. The entrance of a complete stranger was something very unexpected and unaccountable. "Christ save you, holy Father! I pray you, pardon me that I arise not, being ill at ease, to entreat your blessing.

"Miss Hilary's an angel, and he'll be a lucky man that gets her," meditated her faithful "bower-maiden" of old; as, a little excited by the event of the morning, she stood by the mantle-piece and contemplated a letter which had come after the ladies departed; one of these regular monthly Indian letters, after which, Elizabeth was sharp enough to notice, Miss Hilary's step always grew lighter and her eye brighter for many days.

"To drive the deer with hound and horne Earl Percy took his way; The child may rue that is unborne The hunting of that day." Ballad of Chevy Chase. "Willemina!" said the old Lady Le Despenser to her bower-maiden, "what horn was that I heard but now without?" "Shall I certify your Ladyship?" asked Willemina, rising and gathering together the embroidered quilt on which she was working.

"God knows," said the faithful bower-maiden, "I would hold my hand out to catch drops of molten lead, rather than endure your tears; and yet, my sweet mistress, I would rather at present see you grieved than angry. This ancient lady hath, it would seem, but acted according to some old superstitious rite of her family, which is in part yours.

Constance, do put down those heavy poems of Giles Fletcher, and listen to your bower-maiden, describing you as one of the profane." Constance looked up and smiled; while poor Barbara endeavoured to free herself from the charge with earnestness and humility. "My Lady Frances, I ask your pardon; but I can hardly, I fear, make you understand what I mean.

But when they had busied them and spread the good bed, the ancient nurse went back to her chamber to lie down, and Eurynome, the bower-maiden, guided them on their way to the couch, with torches in her hands, and when she had led them to the bridal-chamber she departed. And so they came gladly to the rites of their bed, as of old.

The spring and summer had passed, and the autumn was almost over, when great news came to the Court of Bruges, where Torfrida was now a bower-maiden. The Hollanders had been beaten till they submitted; at least for the present.

So touching was the scene, that Cromwell smiled while he laid his hand on her head, and with the other raised the long chain his daughter had given the modest bower-maiden, and which had remained suspended from her neck, he threw it over the shoulders of Robin, so that it encircled them both.