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"There isn't the least doubt of it," said Harrison angrily. "I know what you mean, sir. It all began when Number Five study came to the form-rooms. There's no use blinkin' it, Craye. You know that, too." "They make things rather difficult for us, sometimes," said Craye. "It's more their manner than anything else, that Harrison means." "Do they hamper you in the discharge of your duties, then?"

Then, to the porter, despondently interested in this queer company, "Hi, chum! Give us a 'and," he said, pulling from his pocket a confusion of silver, and crumpled Treasury notes. "Is the London trine up yet?" "Signalled, she be," said the porter, peering at Melchard. "Keep yer eyes off wot's no blinkin' good to 'em" said Dick.

He'd first of all gone to the old gentleman's room and sung out, 'All aboard, sir, time's up, just to liven him up a bit. Joe kept away down at the stable. Well, presently out comes the old chap, with a veil on and his green goggles, winkin' and blinkin' as if he couldn't see a door from a window.

I feel as though I might have a little cold coming on " But the doctor was shaking his head, kindly but firmly. "Well, well, better not; I quite agree with you, doctor," gushed his guest. "Good-night, doctor. Good-night!" "I wonder if the doctor ever had such a blinkin' ass in his house before!" said the amiable gentleman to himself as he shut his bed-room door behind him.

There was no candle lit when they entered, but there was a bright turf fire "blinkin' bonnilie" in the fireplace, from which a mellow light emanated that danced upon the few plain plates that were neatly ranged upon her humble dresser, but which fell still more strongly upon a clean and well-swept hearth, on one side of which was an humble armchair of straw, and on the other a grave, but placid-looking cat, purring, with half-closed eyes, her usual song for the evening.

Christmas! An' a boy! An' she doin' well! No wonder that ol' turkey-gobbler sets up on them rafters blinkin' at me so peaceful! He knows he's done passed a critical time o' life. You've done crossed another bridge safe-t, ol' gobbly, an' you can afford to blink an' to set out in the clair moonlight, 'stid o' roostin' back in the shadders, same ez you been doin'.

He began to think at last that there was no way out of it but that suggested by his own sergeant namely, to "blow a blinkin' 'ole in 'im," and his sergeant spoke again with the rattle of his chattering teeth playing a castanet accompaniment to his words. "If you don't mind, sir, we'd all like to fight it out and make a run for it. We're all about froze stiff."

There was two commuters, one loaded down with a patent runner sled, the other chewin' a cigar impatient and consultin' his watch; a fat woman with a six-year-old who was teasin' to go see Santa Claus in the window again; a sporty-lookin' old boy with a red tie who was blinkin' googoos out of his puffy eyes; and then there was me, draped in my new near-English top coat and watchin' the swing doors expectant.

What are your personal recollections of NAPOLEON, Rufus? Chestnut. You blinkin' conscripts, you! Black. Shiss! no bad language, Rufus ladies present. Chestnut. Ladies, huh. Behave nice and ladylike when they catch sight of the nosebags, don't they? A skewbald mare. Well, we gotta stand up for our rights. Chestnut. S'truth you do, tooth and hoof. What were you in civil life, Baby? A Suffragette?

"I didn't say anything," the chauffeur expostulated. "Then don't say it. See? Keep your blinkin' 'ead shut and mind your own business." And, scowling fiercely and thrusting his empty pipe into his trousers pocket, Chipmunk rolled away. A few hours later Oliver, entering his room to dress for dinner, found him standing in the light of the window laboriously fitting studs into a shirt.