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That exaggeration in the manner of the man which has been noticed as appertaining to him and to every such man, whatever his original breeding, as certainly as the sun belongs to this system, was acceptable to Gowan as a caricature, which he found it a humorous resource to have at hand for the ridiculing of numbers of people who necessarily did more or less of what Blandois overdid.

More treacherous than snow, perhaps, colder at heart, and harder to melt, Blandois of Paris by degrees passed out of her mind, as they came down into the softer regions.

The house was kept in a homely manner, and the condescension of Mr Blandois was infinite.

'Or say, Cattivo Soggetto Mio, returned Gowan, touching the painted face with his brush in the part where the real face had moved, 'a murderer after the fact. Show that white hand of yours, Blandois. Put it outside the cloak. Keep it still. Blandois' hand was unsteady; but he laughed, and that would naturally shake it.

'Madam, said Mr Blandois, with an ugly fall of his eyebrows, 'I adore your sex, but I am not married never was. Mistress Affery, who stood at the table near him, pouring out the tea, happened in her dreamy state to look at him as he said these words, and to fancy that she caught an expression in his eyes which attracted her own eyes so that she could not get them away.

'It's not worth your looking at.'But Mr Blandois, smiting him in a friendly manner on the back, only laughed; so the said Blandois kissed his hand again to Mrs Clennam, and they went out of the room together. 'You don't care to go up-stairs? said Jeremiah, on the landing. 'On the contrary, Mr Flintwinch; if not tiresome to you, I shall be ravished!

This caused Mrs Finching, with many apologies for being in great practical difficulties as to finding the way to her pocket among the stripes of her dress at length to produce a police handbill, setting forth that a foreign gentleman of the name of Blandois, last from Venice, had unaccountably disappeared on such a night in such a part of the city of London; that he was known to have entered such a house, at such an hour; that he was stated by the inmates of that house to have left it, about so many minutes before midnight; and that he had never been beheld since.

'Pray, madam, said Mr Dorrit, with a growing fancy upon him as he recovered his importance, that he was in some superior way in the Commission of the Peace; 'pray, madam, may I inquire, for the greater satisfaction of the gentleman whom I have the honour to ha retain, or protect or let me say to hum know to know Was Monsieur Blandois here on business on the night indicated in this present sheet?

He postponed looking at Mr Blandois again until this accidental inequality was removed by their having entered the late Mr Clennam's room. But, then twisting himself suddenly round upon him, he found his look unchanged. 'A most admirable old house, smiled Mr Blandois. 'So mysterious. Do you never hear any haunted noises here? 'Noises, returned Mr Flintwinch. 'No. 'Nor see any devils?

The two had not been together five minutes, and the peculiar manner seemed to convey to them, 'You were going to talk about me. Ha! Behold me here to prevent it! 'Gowan is coming here? said Blandois, with a smile. Mrs Gowan replied he was not coming. 'Not coming! said Blandois. 'Permit your devoted servant, when you leave here, to escort you home. 'Thank you: I am not going home.