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But at least I ken o' ae love ploy that Mistress Lindesay is engaged in, or your birses wadna be so ready to stand on end, my bonny man. But guid luck to ye. Ye hae the mair chance o' finding the flown birdies, that ye maybes think mair o' the bonny norland quey than ye think o' the bit Gallowa' calf. From all sides the Douglases were marching upon Edinburgh.

A sheaf of corn in winter is also a great boon to the starved-out birdies, when snow has long deprived them of their natural food, and the water supply has to be often renewed on freezing days, for many a bird dies in winter from lack of water, all its usual supplies being frozen. The tameness of birds in severe weather is a touching sign of their distress, and a mute appeal to us to help them.

"Let's see if you can still make the little birdies jealous by singing their songs better than they can," suggested Jimmy. "You certainly flatter me, but I'll do the best I can," laughed Larry. "What shall it be first?" "How about the mocking bird?" suggested Herb. "I think that's one of the prettiest ones, Larry.

And there came marching up a lot of the little ants that Uncle Wiggily had been kind to, and soon they had gathered up all the scattered feathers. And the nest was made on a mossy stump, and lined with the feathers, and the warm eggs were put in it by Mrs. Wren, who then hovered over them to hatch out the birdies. And she was very thankful to Uncle Wiggily for what he had done.

"I will gladly let you see my little birdies hatch," spoke the robin, "but it will take nearly a week yet, and you will have to wait." "Oh, I can't wait as long as that," went on the rabbit. "I must be off to seek my fortune." "Yes, and I must go and find my clothespin house," said the pussy.

Megales has sure got us real safe this time. I'd be plumb discouraged about breaking jail out of this cage. It's ce'tainly us to stay hitched a while." About dark tortillas and frijoles were brought down to them by the facetious turnkey, who was accompanied as usual by two guards. "Why don't my little birdies sing?" he asked, with a wink at the soldiers.

Wren went away last night to see about getting a new position in a feather pillow factory," said Mrs. Wren to Uncle Wiggily, "and he doesn't yet know about the birdies. I hope he'll come back soon, as they are very hungry, and I don't like to leave them alone to go shopping." "Oh, I'll stay and take care of them for you while you go to the store," said the old gentleman rabbit, kindly.

"Time for little birdies to be eating supper, and getting little peepers shut up tight, before Santa Claus comes," she said, going towards the dining room, with a little hopper clinging to each hand, and playing peep around her.

And I see no cats, Mr. Brown." "Ye wullna see ony as lang as the wee doggie is leevin' i' the kirkyaird. An' the vermin hae sneekit awa' the first time sin' Queen Mary's day. An' syne there's mair singin' birdies than for mony a year." Mr. Traill had listened, unseen. Now he came forward with a gay challenge in broad Scotch to put the all but routed caretaker at his ease.

Baker looked at him and smiled slowly. "You don't think I own a telephone line without knowing what little birdies light on the wires, do you?" "Does that damn operator leak?" inquired Welton placidly but with a narrowing of the eyes. "Not on your saccharine existence. If he did, he'd be out among the scenery in two jumps. But I'm different. That's my business."