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"Then tell me the time, dear William, whenever Your Sue may expect this divorce to be made; When you'll surely be mine, when no object shall sever, But lock'd in your arms I'm no longer afraid." "The time it will be hen my pockets are lined I'll then draw the splice 'tween my vessel and me, And lead you to church if you're still so inclined But before, my dear Sue, 'twere rank bigamy."

Then there's Aunt Jane she strikes me as a very colourless person. If she could have been arrested in the second act for bigamy And then I should leave out your third act altogether, and put the fourth act at Monte Carlo, and let the heroine be blackmailed by what's the fellow's name? See what I mean?" I said that I saw. "You don't mind my criticizing your play?" he added carelessly.

"That's matter of defense," retorted Peckham. "What's a little bigamy between friends, anyway?" ruminated the old lawyer. "It's a kind of sumptuary offense. People will marry. And it's good policy to have 'em. If they happen to overdo it a little " "Well, if I do chuck the darn thing out what will you give me in return?" asked Peckham.

"It ain't likely I'm going to give myself away like that; besides, it's agin the law for a man to criminate himself. You go on and start your bigamy case, and call old red-eyes as a witness." Mrs. Gimpson gazed at him in speechless wrath and then stooping down conversed in excited whispers with Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Boxer crossed over to her husband.

"It's bigamy," ses Joe Morgan. "You'd get six months," ses his wife. "Don't you worry, dear," ses Mrs. Pearce, nodding at George Hatchard; "that man's made a mistake." "Mistake!" ses Bill Flurry. "Why, I tell you I talked to 'im. It was Charlie Pearce right enough; scar on 'is forehead and a wart on 'is left ear and all." "It's wonderful," ses Mrs. Pearce.

Her adventures formed the plot of a tragi-comedy by T. P., entitled "A Witty Combat, or the Female Victor," 1663, which was acted with great applause by persons of quality in Whitsun week. Mary Carleton was tried at the Old Bailey for bigamy and acquitted, after which she appeared on the stage in her own character as the heroine of a play entitled "The German Princess."

DIVORCE: Absolute divorce for impotence, bigamy, adultery, wilful desertion for two years, habitual drunkenness for two years, attempt to murder, extreme and repeated cruelty, conviction for felony or other infamous crime. No limited divorce; but married women living separate through no fault of their own have an action in equity for reasonable maintenance, if they so desire.

Kettle wished to state his views on bigamy with clearness and point, but when he cast his eyes over the frail wreck of a man in the Madeira chair, he forebore. It would not take very much of a jar to send Captain Nilssen away from this world to the Place of Reckoning which lay beyond. And so with a gulp he said instead: "You're sure it's deliberate poisoning?" "Quite.

"I must tell you something," she said, "that nobody at all knows except George's father, and probably nobody ever will know. His sister knew, but she's dead." "Yes!" he muttered, in an exquisite rush of happiness. After all, it was not with Charlie, nor even with Janet, that she was most intimate; it was with himself! "George's father was put in prison for bigamy. George is illegitimate."

Have they really no such thing as a "dispensation" at Rome? Has not the married relationship come up for "dispensation" in the chancelleries of the Vatican innumerable times? Has not one of the canonized saints of Rome, St. Augustine, declared that bigamy might be permitted if a wife was sterile? Was not concubinage still recognized by law in the sixteenth century in Ireland?