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She complained to the last she was poor, she was in my way, she was blind. 'Eh bien, tu n'as pas besoin de me faire les beaux yeux, toi' I used to say to her. Ah, the good soul that she was!" and the dark eye glistened with moisture.

François, fais moi le plaisir de porter ce petit livre; malgré la fraîcheur de la fôret, j'ai besoin de m'évanter." The valet took the book, with an empressement that defeated the more tardy politeness of the Patroon; and when he saw, by the vexed eye and flushed cheek of his young mistress, that she was incommoded rather by an internal than by the external heat, he whispered considerately,

Sophie Mitoux had hers painted with a coral comb and earrings. How shabby this style is!" "I beg of you, my good Reine, let me follow my own fancy; an artist is a being of inspiration and spontaneity. Meanwhile, you make your bust too prominent; there is no necessity for you to look as if you had swallowed a whale. L'art n'est pas fait pour toi, tu n'en as pas besoin.

Je n'ai pas besoin d'en dire autant pour Mme et Mile Reeve. Tout a vous de coeur, A. T. Reeve replied immediately: 62 Rutland Gate, 1 mars. Votre lettre me fait le plus sensible plaisir. Les nouvelles indirectes de votre sante qui me sont parvenues de temps en temps m'avaient excessivement preoccupe.

But what is a little vanity among so many virtues? for she is eminently virtuous, though not averse, I think, to seeking some consolation for her profound melancholy, for as she has confided to me she feels 'le besoin d'être aimé," and he smiled a little cynically, as men of the world are wont to smile at the confession of feminine weaknesses. As for Mr.

Il en resulte que les especes qui terminent chaque rameau de la serie generale tiennent, au moins d'un cote, a d'autres especes voisines qui se nuancent avec elles. Voila ce que l'etat bien connu des choses me met maintenant a portee de demontrer. Je n'ai besoin d'aucune hypothese ni d'aucune supposition pour cela: j'en atteste tous les naturalistes observateurs."

"What a magnificent touch that child has!" said Du Meresq, pausing to listen. "She has quite a genius for music;" and, mentally, she commented, "I never heard her play better." "She plays," said Bertie, "as if she were desperately in love." "With Mr. Vavasour?" laughed Cecil. "With no one, I dare say. It indicates, however, a besoin d'aimer."

You will find yourself ridiculed as a cold, awkward Englishman; one who will hottentot again, whatever pains may be taken to civilize him; a man of ice, to be taken as a lover from pure charity, or pure curiosity, or the pure besoin d'aimer. Here are many pure motives, of which you will, my dear sir, take your choice.

Montesquieu tells the story of the pension, but without fixing a date: "Je dis que n'ayant pas fait de bassesse, je n'avais pas besoin d'etre console par des graces," vii. 157. A little before this time Montesquieu resigned his place as one of the presidents of the Parliament of Bordeaux, selling the life estate in it, but reserving the reversion for his son.

"M'sieu-le-Docteur, maman d'mande si vous n'avez besoin d'que'que chose?" ... She spoke the rude French of the fishing villages, where the language lives chiefly as a baragouin, mingled often with words and forms belonging to many other tongues. She wore a loose-falling dress of some light stuff, steel-gray in color; boys' shoes were on her feet.