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Roads has their beginnin's at wan ind and runs on, round corners, maybe, to the other ind. Permotions begin at the bottom. You moind I was tellin' you 'twas loikely there was permotions in stores?" Pat gazed at his mother eagerly. "Do you think so, mother?" "I think so. Else why should they put the last hand in to sweepin' out and sellin' naught but ginghams and calicoes and muslins?

You can as well stop off at North Platte, or Sidney or Cheyenne. They'll sculp you sure at Benton, unless you watch out mighty sharp." "How so, may I ask?" "You're certainly green," she apprised. "Benton's roarin' and I know what that means. Didn't North Platte roar? I seen it at its beginnin's. My old man and me, we were there from the fust, when it started in as the railroad terminal.

Susan Betts laughed indulgently and jammed the clothespin a little deeper on to the towel. "Bless the child! Won't ye hear that, now?" she laughed with a shrug. "An' how should I know? I guess if Susan Betts could tell the end of all the beginnin's as soon as they're begun, she wouldn't be hangin' out your daddy's washin', my boy.

Pa Tapkins had his explanation ready. It had borne part in his boyhood and was a fully confirmed fact in later life. "It all come of the poplars bein' sich liars, Janet. Never trust no poplar! When things was only sand an' beginnin's in these parts, all the trees sprung up together. But the poplars, bein' snoopier than common, shot up considerable an' took a look around.

The small lamp on the pine table burned brightly, and it lit up Pat's face so that with every glance his mother cast at him she read there the discouragement he felt. "Pat dear," she began presently, "there's beginnin's in all things. And the beginnin's is either at the bottom or at wan ind, depindin' which way you're to go.

"George," he said. "I'm here," I said, "close beside you." "George. You have always been responsible for the science. George. You know better than I do. Is Is it proved?" "What proved?" "Either way?" "I don't understand." "Death ends all. After so much Such splendid beginnin's. Somewhere. Something." I stared at him amazed. His sunken eyes were very grave. "What do you expect?" I said in wonder.

They rebels has got hold o' the wires, and shook 'em and tangled up the rest, but the beginnin's all straight." "I believe that Sam Elkins down at the station 's mixed it up," said Sophia, with hope springing in her breast. "He never can get things straight. He was in the class with me when I went to school, and too dumb to come in when it rained.

But Bob says he don't see what's the use; somethin's sure to happen her; somethin' allers does happen to him an' to his chillern." "Is that why he thinks he's cursed because 'something always happens?" asked Gentleman Bill, indifferently. "Sart'in; an' it's so, as sure as yer born. Nothin' never pans out long with Bob Matheny. His beginnin's is all good, an' his endin's all bad.

"Good idee! Good idee!" exclaimed the Little Giant with enthusiasm. "I've been tellin' Jim an' Steve that though they mightn't think it, you had the beginnin's o' intelleck in that head o' yours." "Thank you," said Will, and they all laughed. "It's a good thought," said Boyd, "and we'd better do it at once."

"Well, sir," answered Chips, "I'm inclined to think as your last guess is the proper answer. We struck the beginnin's of this here swell about two bells this mornin', and the furder south we goes the heavier the run seems to be gettin' as though we was gettin', as you may say, more into the track of a breeze that have passed along just about here.