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He was not in the least certain that where there was no threatening letter, this could succeed, but he knew that the preliminaries would be alarming enough to elicit something, and accordingly Mrs. O'Leary began to sob out "It was when I was a mere child, a bambina, and he used me so cruelly."

"Bambina mia," replied Quinto, "you are a very clever child, and you know a great many things. But you have not yet sufficiently studied the elderly gentleman department of human nature. If the Marchese Lamberto is as you describe him, it may be, it is true, that he is one of those men for whom female beauty has no charm, and on whom any kind of attack would be thrown away and mere lost labour.

I will take you abroad, you and the bambina. We will go to Rome anywhere you like live how you like. Only come back to me!" Gyp answered stonily: "You are talking nonsense." "Gyp, I swear to you I have not seen a woman not one fit to put beside you. Oh, Gyp, be good to me once more. This time I will not fail. Try me! Try me, my Gyp!"

"The lady gone?" repeated Colville, taking this to be part of the red mask's joke. "La bambina pareva poco lene." "The little one not well?" echoed Colville again, rising. "Are you joking?" The mask made a deep murmur of polite deprecation. "I am not capable of such a thing in a serious affair.

On the morning following the conversation related in the last chapter Bianca, hearing Quinto coming out of his bed-room into the sitting-room about nine o'clock, called out to him from her bed: "Oh, papa! I forgot to tell you last night that the Marchese and Signor Stadione are to be here at one o'clock to-day to hear me, and settle about the night of the 6th, you know." "All right, bambina mia!

And when he had kissed her in the dawn he had been kissing a child, playfully, kindly, as a big brother might. And if he kissed her now it would mean nothing to her. And if it did mean something just a little more to him, that did not matter. "Bambina mia!" he said. "I am not a bambina," she said, turning towards him again. "Yes you are." "Then you are a bambino." "Why not?

How do you like the appearance of the country?" "Eh, papa mio, che volete? I have seen only a bit of it. It is rather early to judge yet," said Bianca. "Not too early for your quickness, bambina mia. Besides, you may be sure you have seen most of what you are likely to see, and what it most concerns you to see.

And the interference is all the worse. and the more fatal, because the poor old man would not only make a fool of himself, but beggars of his protectors." "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed old Quinto Lalli with a quiet, almost noiseless laugh; "it is very well and shrewdly said, bambina mia.

Has the Illustrissimo any further commands? 'None, began the Chevalier; then, suddenly, 'This unhappy infant is it healthy? Did it need any of your treatment? 'Signor, no. It was a fair, healthy bambina of a year old, and I heard the mother boasting that it had never had a day's illness.

If nothing had been said the other day, that would be enough; and I think Quinto might trust nostra bambina to manage her own affairs. She knows what she is about, the dear child: not but that it is a good plan to be able to remind a gentleman in case he should forget. Gentlemen will forget such things sometimes." "You cannot doubt my love," said the Marchese, in reply to her appeal.