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"Ha, I see, I see; nothing more likely! Per Dio, bambina mia, you lose no time! Brava la Bianca! And perhaps I may conclude, from one or two small observations that I have been able to make myself, you would prefer to win on the nephew! Eh, cara mia" said the old man, looking at her with a sly smile.

He may be found cautious, haughty, backward to woo, requiring to be wooed, in love with the respectabilities of his social standing; but depend upon it, bambina mia, if you can once awaken the dormant passion of such a man, you may produce effects wholly irresistible, you may do anything with him! His love would be like a frozen torrent when the thaw comes!

But you don't suppose that he is burningly eager to solicit the honour of your alliance, che diamine?" "Don't, Quinto; don't go on in that way. I tell you I hate it all," returned Bianca. "Cars mia, you are in an irrational humour this morning. Do you like the old game better? It don't pay, bambina mia, as you have found out; and, above all, it won't last.

He was a good husband and devoted father to his BAMBINA, Bianca, whom he adored. He worked and worked for a number of years. He actually managed to save one hundred dollars out of his six dollars per week. Bresci had an ideal. Foolish, I know, for a workingman to have an ideal, the Anarchist paper published in Paterson, LA QUESTIONE SOCIALE.

All the latent superstition that dwells in the contadino was stirred as dust by a wind. In clouds it flew up about his mind. Fear looked out of his great eyes. Dread was eloquent in his gestures. And he, too, referred to the child, to the povera piccola bambina. It would cast ill-luck on the child to bring her up in a chamber of death. Her saint would forsake her. She too would die.

"But I thought, bambina mia, that you were going to love the Marchese Lamberto, and be a good wife to him, and all the rest of it, according to the rules and practices of the best-regulated domestic family circles; and I I was so rejoiced to hear it," said the old reprobate, casting up his eyes and hands. "Don't, Quinto; don't talk in that manner, or you'll drive me beyond myself.

I knew a man who would buy of me, and I had gone out to find him yesterday, when, as if Heaven had sent a curse upon us for my sin, the bambina was struck down with this illness a terrible aching of her little head, and a fever.

"Well, come now, bambina mia. If you think that the Marchese is not enough in love with you, you must have a strong appetite, indeed, and be very hard to content. Why, if there ever was a man thoroughly caught, fascinated " "Bah! Love! Ludovico loves the Venetian," said Bianca, with an expressive emphasis on the verb. "Ludovico, again! I protest I don't understand you, Bianca.

I tell you he is younger for a man than I am for a woman, God help me! It isn't only years that make people old." "That's true, bambina mia, poveretta. And I am sure I have nothing to say against it if you can fancy this Marchese a gay and handsome young cavalier." "Handsome he is, as far as that goes. I swear he is the handsomest man I have seen here!

"Be guided by me this once for the last time, as you have so often been before; bambina mia," said Quinto, who thought that he now understood the real state of the case; "make sure of your own game first. Make all safe with the Marchese Lamberto. When you are the Marchesa di Castelmare it will be time to take any revenge on the Venetian you please."