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He was now at home on leave, expecting immediate promotion. He bore a historical name; he was called Lamberto Lamberti.

It was a matter of course, that he should open the ball with the Contessa Violante, not only by reason of her social standing in the city, but because of the position in which he was understood to stand towards her. Violante was sitting at the upper end of the room between her great- aunt and the sister of the Marchese Lamberto, Ludovico's mother.

"Be guided by me this once for the last time, as you have so often been before; bambina mia," said Quinto, who thought that he now understood the real state of the case; "make sure of your own game first. Make all safe with the Marchese Lamberto. When you are the Marchesa di Castelmare it will be time to take any revenge on the Venetian you please."

But before going he called Gigia the maid, and said, as he stood with the door in his hand: "Gigia, cara mia, the Marchese Lamberto is coming here presently; just make use of your sharp ears to hear what passes between him and Bianca; and take heed to it, you understand, so as to be able to give an account of it afterwards if it should be needed.

And all that had been required from the Marchese Lamberto was the admission that the Conte Leandro's statements, as far as regarded what had taken place at the ball, were correct. But the fact was that the case was well-nigh prejudged before the professed trial began.

And these were the facts and the circumstances that had brought about a state of matters which left the Marchese Lamberto and the gossips of the Circolo in no doubt where the young Marchese Ludovico had gone to pass his evening, when his uncle sent for him to the club for the purpose which the reader wots of, and failed to find him there. The Beginning of Trouble

Go, and forget me; forget the poor comedian to whom your goodness, your nobleness, and your love seemed for a passing minute to open a blessed glimpse of a heaven upon earth; but never never again propose to me to associate the name of Lamberto di Castelmare with names that I would oh, so fain- -forget!"

"How came you to know the Marchese Lamberto?" asked Violante, after they had matured their acquaintanceship by a little talk about the subject of Paolina's work. "Only because the Englishman, who employed me to copy these mosaics, gave me a letter to him. He seems to be very highly esteemed."

The servant took it to his master's room, found him still in bed, though awake, and left it on the table by his bedside. The Marchese Lamberto was, and had been all his life, far too busy a man to be a late riser. Italians, indeed, who do nothing all day long, are often very early risers. Their, climate leads them to be so.

With the exception of the old gentleman and the Marchese Ludovico, she has never seen a soul!" The old gentleman thus alluded to, it may be necessary to explain, was the Marchese Lamberto. "And where's the use of never seeing a single soul, if she throws all that she has gained by it away in this manner?" "Why, Santa Virgine, Signor Quinto! Where's the harm?

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