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The white boy retreated under the impression of a well-deserved, though kind, rebuke. He did not call the old man "nigger," nor in any way insult him. But here is an incident of a different kind. Standing to talk with a man who had charge of my baggage, in the passage-way between the baggage-room and the colored passengers' apartment.

Albion was in the air, for on the other side of the dépôt there was a lot of trunks and other baggage, the make of which could not be mistaken. I soon learned that one of the best estates in the neighborhood had been sold to an Englishman, who had arrived that very day.

The defile of Judoigne became so gorged with baggage and with the wrecks of the artillery we had been able to save, that everything was taken from us there. Nevertheless, we arrived at Louvain, and then not feeling in safety, passed the canal of Wilworde without being very closely followed by the enemy.

Come in, and let mother and Nell make you comfortable. Of course you'll stay. We've a big house. You must stay till Dick comes back. Maybe that 'll be Aw, I guess it won't be long.... Let me handle the baggage, Mr. Gale.... Come in. I sure am glad to meet you all."

The Oxonian offered at once to have his fortune told, and the girl began with the usual volubility of her race; but he drew her on one side, near the hedge, as he said he had no idea of having his secrets overheard. I saw he was talking to her instead of she to him, and by his glancing towards us now and then, that he was giving the baggage some private hints.

"Oh, haven't I? Guns, ammunition, provisions, and stores of all sorts." "How did they get here? Bring 'em in your pocket?" "Nonsense. Your second mate brought 'em aboard." "What? Here, Lynton, speak out. Have you been in collusion with this fellow, and brought his baggage aboard?" "Not a bag, sir," cried the mate indignantly. "Oh, come, I like that!" said the American, laughing.

The sick, the heavy baggage, and the military stores were ordered under a guard to Waxhaws, and the army was directed to be in readiness to march precisely at ten in the evening in the following order. Colonel Armand's legion composed the van.

They were men who thoroughly represented English determination, and they at once volunteered to carry their own baggage if I would only permit them to accompany me. How often my heart has beaten with pride when I have seen the unconquerable spirit of the country burst forth like an unextinguishable flame in any great emergency!

Once in every five years, as you know, we indent for a new Viceroy; and each Viceroy imports, with the rest of his baggage, a Private Secretary, who may or may not be the real Viceroy, just as Fate ordains. Fate looks after the Indian Empire because it is so big and so helpless.

This was a defile so narrow, that the enemy could take no cannon with them, nor baggage, and could only proceed two abreast. Moreover, the Spanish battalions met with such obstruction from the deep morasses on one side, and the dark and tangled thickets on the other, and such opposition from the Indians and ambushed Highlanders, that every effort failed, with considerable loss.