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"One can start a back-fire on the prairie," he said reflectively. "I fancy the same process might work successfully with Blair also." "Perhaps," admitted Florence. The time came when both she and Sidwell remembered that suggestion. But the subject was too large to be dropped immediately. "Something tells me," Sidwell added, after a moment, "that you are a bit fearful of this Blair.

They back-fire, skip, short-circuit, and finally blow up, and if you don't throw on a bucket or two of flattery quick, you've got a duel on your hands, which for an American in this country means that you get it going and coming."

I cut the men loose, and we made up across the ridge, got lost, surrounded by fire, and then I got Herky to help me start a back-fire in that big canyon." "Back-fire!" exclaimed Dick, slamming the table with his big fist. Then he settled down and looked at me. Hiram looked at me. Jim looked at me, and not one of them said a word for what seemed a long time. It brought the blood to my face.

We followed our back-fire so close as to be almost blistered by it, coughing, gasping, covering our mouths and nostrils in such a heat and smother that I could scarcely support Rowena and keep my own footing. Suddenly the heat and smoke grew less; I looked around, and saw that the fire had reached our burnt area, and the line was cut for lack of fuel.

His hands and mind were more than busy trying to drive back the snarling, ravenous beast in front of him. He might have found time to take other precautions if he had known that the exhausted boy sent to watch against a back-fire had, with the coming of night, fallen asleep in a draw.

"How big is the fire?" came a second question, after a brief interval. "Don't know. Too big for us. Lew still fighting it. I'm going back. What shall we do?" Again there was a pause. Then Willie answered: "Forester says find header and back-fire. Try to hold it till fire crew arrives." "Will do our best. Listen in often. May need call you. Good-bye."

If his trail-break was built in time, Dave meant to back-fire above it. Steve Russell was one of his party. Sanders appointed him lieutenant and went over the ground with him to decide exactly where the clearing should run, after which he galloped back to the mouth of Bear. "She's running wild on the hills and in Cattle Cañon," Dave told Crawford. "She'll sure jump Cattle and reach San Jacinto.

Dickinson and Gorse became alarmed, and one morning the banker turned up at the Club while I was eating my breakfast. "Look here, Hugh," he said, "we may as well face the fact that we've got a fight ahead of us, we'll have to start some sort of a back-fire right away." "You think Greenhalge has a chance of being elected?" I asked. "I'm not afraid of Greenhalge, but of this fellow Krebs.

The main army of the flames coming on from the west, with its power of suction, fanned itself to a faster pace than our new line could attain, and the heat increased, both from the racing crimson line to the west, and the slower-moving back-fire on the other side. We sweltered and almost suffocated. Rowena buried her face in her shawl, and swayed as if falling.

Dickinson and Gorse became alarmed, and one morning the banker turned up at the Club while I was eating my breakfast. "Look here, Hugh," he said, "we may as well face the fact that we've got a fight ahead of us, we'll have to start some sort of a back-fire right away." "You think Greenhalge has a chance of being elected?" I asked. "I'm not afraid of Greenhalge, but of this fellow Krebs.