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In such a case we can drain the crank case and put in fresh oil; for if it was really a back-fire it was most likely caused by 'flooding." Ten minutes later they landed on the firm, hard snow and lost no time in getting things in shape to spend the night where they were; for it was unlikely that repairs could be effected in time for them to fly back to the camp before dark.

His ears shuddered at the anticipation of hearing from near at hand the report of pistols, and once a back-fire from a motor passing along the road caused him to leap high in the air. The sides of these dunes were steep, and his shoes got so full of sand, that from time to time, in spite of the urgency of his errand, he was forced to pause in order to empty them out.

The motor that has kept it running for nineteen centuries is the doctrine of love; love of man to man, love of man to God, love of God to man. Nothing about wrath that's only a back-fire but love. Without that motor all the trimmings are junk. Each sect has its own trimmings, but they all profess to use the same motor. . . Still, the motor is all right, even if it is neglected and abused.

I'm sick of their unauthorized strikes and sabotage, and by the Holy Pink-Toed Prophet, Cappy Ricks Post. No. 534, American Legion, is the only sort of back-fire I can think of to put the Wobblies on the run." "Every office and ship and retail yard could be run by a first-sergeant," Skinner complained. "I'm thinking of having reveille and retreat and bugle calls and Saturday morning inspections.

"What happened?" cried Jackson to Tom, as he leaned forward in his seat which was in the rear of the young inventor's. "Don't know, exactly," was the answer, as Tom quickly shifted the rudders to correct the slanting fall of his craft. "Sounded as though there was a tremendous back-fire, or else the muffler blew up. The engine is dead." "Can you take her down safely?" "Oh, yes, I guess so.

Their back-fire ate its way into the wind much faster, and the real fire came on slower. It seemed to be getting farther and farther away. "We've passed the header," cried Charley exultantly. "We ought to be able to hold the main fire." They rested a moment, then went at their task with renewed hope and vigor.

Many are overtaken in the mad flight and perish. The fierce fires of this type can be stopped only by heavy rain, a change of wind, or by barriers which provide no fuel and thus choke out the flames. Large fires are sometimes controlled by back-firing. A back-fire is a second fire built and so directed as to run against the wind and toward the main fire.

To back-fire on short notice, with no fresh-turned furrow of moist earth, but only a shallow little dry ditch with the grass almost meeting over its top in places, is ticklish business at best. Kent went slowly, stamping out incipient blazes that seemed likely to turn unruly, and not trusting Val any more than he was compelled to do.

We've got to hold the mouth of Cattle, build a trail between Bear and Cattle, another between Cattle and San Jacinto, cork her up in San Jacinto, and keep her from jumping to the hills beyond." "Can we back-fire, do you reckon?" "Not with the wind there is above, unless we have check-trails built first. We need several hundred more men, and we need them right away. I never saw such a fire before."

"You needn't worry about that chap not getting along all right," remarked one of the group but his indorsement was ironical. "He's a construction boss for the Consolidated, and he went into that hearing to start some kind of a back-fire. Shrewd operators the Consolidated folks." The men about Farr pulled away from him and there was considerable malicious laughter in the crowd.