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But it's awful warm you've made my heart, b'ys. It's a warm heart that's good to have summer and winter." And then she broke down. "Niver do you moind me, b'ys," she went on after a moment. "'Tis this sort of tears that makes a mother's loife long, so 'tis." "Well, Mrs. Brady, ma'am, we're done," reported Pat at a few minutes before four.

But wan day there was a foire, an' the police coort was burned down, an' the gaol was that singed they let the b'ys out, an' we rushed the police an' carried off the b'ys, an' "

Waiting until the fire went out, Clary and I made our way back to our former station. "Go around the lines again, Clary, and tell Sergeant Rafferty to move his men to a point from which he can cover the rear of the camp, and open fire on all the tents except the third from the right." "All roight, sor; th' b'ys 'll soon mak' it loively for th' rids." "Tell the sergeant to light up some trees."

"'Tis slaping on yer injuries ye are, Misther Griggs. The notice is out; 'twas posted in the shops this day." "Then that settles it," said Griggs, gloomily. "When does it take hold?" "The first day av the month to come. An' they're telling me it catches everybody, down to the missinger b'ys in the of'ces."

O'Callaghan had said when piloting her to this seat, "but it's my belafe my b'ys don't moind the snugness of it so much as they would if they was girls." Mrs. Brady mechanically agreed.

They'll not git at the Chestnut, for I'll slape in the stall me self." As Allis moved away, Mike stood watching the neat figure. "That's the game, eh?" he muttered to himself; "the gal don't trust Redpath no more'n I do; palaver don't cut no ice wit' her. The b'y didn't finish on Lucretia, an' that's all there is to it. But how's Alan goin' to turn the trick in a big field of rough ridin' b'ys?

But b'ys is a handful, Miss Theedory, as nobody should know better than yourself. Now, my Ned his heart's in the right place; it's his head as is the trouble. He has crammed hisself with trash of foring travel until the b'y is fair crazed to be off and out into the world. That's what it is! 'I shouldn't call books of travels trash, said Theo slowly. 'It wouldn't be quite fair nor true.

"It's a fine way he has wid the b'ys," Dennis told his mother. "He makes them feel that he's just the likes av them, an' that he wants their minds an' opinions to help him. Shure, they'd rather smoke one pipe av his tobaccy than drink ten times at Gallagher's expense."

Hadn't you better put some of them out for a time?" the kind neighbor was quick to add, as she saw the gathering frown on the widow's face. "Sure," she replied, 'twas the Lord give me the b'ys, an' 'twas the Lord took away their blissid father. Do ye think He'd 'a' done ayther wan or the other if He hadn't thought I could care for 'em all? An' I will, too.

"She 's set up for herself over-right the long switch, down there at Birch Plains. Nora 'll soon be rich, the cr'atur'; her mind was on it from the first start; 't was from one o' them O'Callahan b'ys she got the notion, the night she come here first a greenhorn." "Well, well, she's lost no time; ain't she got the invintion!" chuckled Mr. Michael Duffy, who delighted in the activity of others.