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Updated: August 26, 2024

George S. Dwight, large railroad contractor. William Allerton, leather merchant in Boston. Mrs. Egbert C. Smyth, wife of the dean of Andover Theological Seminary. Rossiter W. Raymond, eminent specialist, author, and lecturer. W.M. Bell, manufacturer, Allegheny. Colonel A.S.M. Morgan, U.S.A. J.E. Jacobs, insurance manager, Chicago. E.S. Churchill, Portland, Me., merchant.

Mary Norris, of Newbury in England, wife of one of the wealthiest and most prominent of the Pilgrims in early years, Isaac Allerton, died in February of the first winter, leaving two young girls, Remember and Mary, and a son, Bartholomew or "Bart." The daughters married well, Remember to Moses Maverick of Salem, and Mary to Thomas Cushman. Mrs.

"It meant that it was her doings that thou hadst gone, and that thy going both angered and grieved her, Captain." "Angered, mayhap." "Yea, and grieved. She ate no supper, although I prayed her to taste a new confection of mine own invention." "Priscilla, dost think Master Allerton would be would make a" "Would be the right goodman for Barbara? No, and no again, I think naught of the kind." "Ah!

Then came the Governor and the Captain, Allerton and Winslow, Warren and Fuller, Hopkins and Howland, Alden and Browne, and the rest of the glorious band, the least of whom has his name written in the Libro d'Oro of the men posterity delighteth to honor.

But of this no one knew anything; and she set herself deliberately not only to make such headway as she could in the tangle of their circumstances, but to conceal from everyone the actual state of things. For presently Fred Allerton seemed no longer to have an inexhaustible supply of ready money, and Lucy had to resort to a very careful economy.

Then he carefully sodded the two mounds in the graveyard, and planted old-fashioned sweet pinks upon them, and bidding good-by to the home of his boyhood, he turned his face hopefully to the West. Little they knew what wealth untold Lay hid where the desolate prairies rolled: Who would have dared, with brush or pen, As this land is now, to paint it then? Allerton.

Fred Allerton had many of the characteristics of his race, but in him they took a sudden turn which bore him swiftly to destruction. They had been marked always by good looks, a persuasive manner, and a singular liberality of mind; and he was perhaps the handsomest, and certainly the most charming of them all.

'Our ways have parted for some time now, said Canon Spratte, 'but at one period I used to see a good deal of Fred Allerton. I can't tell you how distressed I was to hear of this terrible misfortune. 'He's always been unlucky, returned Lady Kelsey. 'I only hope this will be a lesson to him. He's like a child in business matters.

Angerstein returned my salutation, and he recollects the circumstance distinctly. The gentleman walking with him in the uniform of the Gloucestershire Yeomanry was, Mr. Angerstein is prepared to depose, Mr. Henry Thorneycroft or Allerton." "You waste time, reverend sir," said Mr. Flint with an affectation of firmness and unconcern he was, I knew, far from feeling. "We are the attorneys of Mrs.

'What do you want me to do? she asked. 'I want you to be present at our interview. He turned to a servant and told him to ask Miss Allerton from Lady Kelsey if she would kindly come to the boudoir. He gave his arm to Lady Kelsey, and they went upstairs. In a moment Lucy appeared. 'Did you send for me, my aunt? I'm told you want to speak to me here.

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