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Updated: August 19, 2024

"'Andy, alannah, said she, 'run to the hill beyant, and try can you see aught of the masther; for I'm tired wid the day's spinnin', and hungry, and wake. "The boy went, but returned, saying that no team was in sight. "'Thin, Andy, jewel, we'll have our supper anyhow; for the tay'll be black wid thrawin', and the bacon and praties spilt intirely.

Nancy, in the mean time, had been desired to answer in the affirmative, hoping that if his mind was made easy on that point, he might refresh himself by another hour or two's sleep, as he appeared to be not at all free from the effects of his previous intoxication. "Why, Mat, jewel, where else could you be, alannah, but at home? Sure isn't here Jack, an' Biddy, an' myself, Mat, agra, along wid me.

"'For heaven's sake, Sally, says Art, 'don't exaggerate him more nor he is the boy is only stunned see, he's coming to: Dick, ma bouchal, rouse yourself, that's a man: hut! he's well enough that's it, alannah; here, take a slug out of this bottle, and it'll set all right or stop, have you a glass within, Sally? 'Och, inusha, not a glass is under the roof wid me, says Sally; 'the last we had was broke the night Barney was christened, and we hadn't one since but I'll get you an egg-shell.* 'It'll do as well as the best, says Art.

"Blatheration!" exclaimed my chum, smacking the butt of his rifle on the deck and making the petty officer who was on the other side of the hatchway jump round in a jiffy, looking marline-spikes in our direction. "Ye jist say, now, if we don't join her! Sure, I dramed ov her last noight, alannah.

"Faith, you may say `ah' now as much as you please," said Garry, as he held out the villainous-looking bullet gripped in his forceps. "For there's the baste that did you all the damage, an' we'll soon pull you up, alannah, with that ugly paice of mischief out of the way, sure!"

I must go back with father and mother. The fact is this, Bridget, I believe your father would do anything in the world for you." "I suppose he would. What do you want to coax out of me now? Oh, Nora alannah! don't let us talk of worries. Come down to the sea with me won't you? I have found the most lovely cave. I mean to explore it with lanterns.

Whin she'd take human form an' a bowld buck av a British dragoon would come making love to her, 'tis herself would say to him: 'Captain, alannah, would ye oblige me wit' a dhrink av wather? An' whin he turrned to dhraw the wather, she'd breathe on her hand like that an' immejiately 'twould turn to iron an' wit' wan blow she'd knock his brains out.

Sure an' I don't forgit how you thried, like a brave gossoon, to save that poor chap last night!" "Ah!" I ejaculated, feeling melancholy when he thus brought up Harmer's fate, which had passed out of my mind for the moment. "But you did your best, too, Pat." "Bad was the bist then, alannah, bad cess to it!" said he. "There, now, Mister Leigh, dhrink your coffee an' ha' done with it.

Even now I can hear the refrain sung by Company Sergeant-Major J.W. Woods: "My heart's far away with the Colleen I adore; Eileen alannah; Angus asthor." At the finish, before singing the National Anthem and the no less popular anthem of the Machine Gun Section, our men always sang: Keep the Home Fires Burning. The soldiers could have no better vesper hymn.

Oh, alannah, alannah! What is to be done?" Here Miss O'Flynn turned a face of anguish in Kathleen's direction. "It is I that must leave you, my darling," she said. "I will go back to town with the messenger, get off to London to-night, and cross in the morning. Ah, the creature! And she's my dearest friend. Let us hope that Providence will spare her precious life. Oh dear, dear, dear!

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