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Updated: August 28, 2024

These poor Men having lain a long while in Prison, for little or no Crime, at last were advis'd to apply themselves to the Law for Discharge; the Law would fairly have Discharg'd them; for in that Country, no Man may be Imprison'd, but he must in a certain Time be Tryed, or let go upon pledges of his Friends, much like our giving Bail on a Writ of Habeas Corpus; but the Judges, whether over-aw'd by the Feathers, or what was the Cause, Authors have not determin'd, did not care to venture Discharging them.

She was scarce out, when on a sudden one of the slaves came to me, and told me that our lord so highly resented my two days absence, that unless, as he advised me, I invented a good excuse to allay his heat, I shou'd certainly be punish'd. Gito perceiving how concern'd I was, spoke not a word of the woman, but advis'd me to behave myself merrily to Eumolpus, rather than serious.

She crept out from her bed with a little shiver of disgust. "Run about," I advis'd, "and keep the blood stirring." She nodded: and looking back, as I strode down the hill, I saw her moving about quickly, swinging her arms, and only pausing to wave a hand to me for goodspeed. 'Twas an hour before I return'd: and plenty I had to tell.

As soon as I saw him I shew'd him the purchase, and both of us resolv'd to make what haste we could to Ascyltos, but Lycurgus's house was not to be reach'd the same day: When we came to Ascyltos we shew'd him the prize, and told him in short the manner of getting it, and how we were made a meer may-game of love: He advis'd us to prepossess Lycurgus with our case, and make him our friend ere the others could see him; and withal boldly assert it, that the trick Lycas would have served them, was the only cause why they stole away so hastily; which when Lycurgus came to understand, he swore he would at all times protect us against our enemies.

For some of the Crolians, who began to be made sensible of the Injury done the poor Man, advis'd him to have recourse to the Law, and to bring his Adversaries before the Criminal Bar.

New York Colonial MSS., Vol. Bridgar imbark'd himself on her with young Guillem for New England against my mynde, for I advis'd him as a friend to imbark himself on the ffrench shipps, which were ready to saile for Rocheil. I foretold him what came to pass, that hee would lye a long while in New England for passage.

Then Judah said, 'Twill do us little good To slay our brother, and conceal his blood; Come therefore, brethren, be advis'd by me, Let's sell him to these Ishmaelites, for he Is our own flesh, and 'tis a cruel deed, To kill him, and to this they all agreed.

Haste, worthless sons, my scandal and my shame! 'Twas he who chief Seduc'd by Paris' gold and splendid gifts Advis'd the restitution to refuse Of Helen to her lord. It is esteemed just among men to distribute to each according to his worth. This principle concerns especially reverencing the gods, and honoring parents and relations.

But to return from whence we have digressd: I say, that the Duke finding himself very strong, and in part out of doubt of the present dangers, because he was arm'd after his own manner, and had in some good measure suppress'd those forces, which, because of their vicinity, were able to annoy him, he wanted nothing else to go on with his Conquest, but the consideration of France: for he knew, that the King, who now, though late, was advis'd of his error, would never suffer him: and hereupon he began to seek after new allyances, and to waver with France, when the French came towards Naples against the Spaniards, who then besieged Gagetta; and his design was only to be out of their danger, which had been effected for him, had Pope Alexander lived.

He told us, That he wondered any Order of Persons should think themselves too considerable to be advis'd: That it was not Quality, but Innocence which exempted Men from Reproof; That Vice and Folly ought to be attacked where-ever they could be met with, and especially when they were placed in high and conspicuous Stations of Life.

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