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Sampson, said Mac-Morlan, after having had recourse to his snuff-box and handkerchief alternately, 'my house is large enough, and if you will accept of a bed there while Miss Bertram honours us with her residence, I shall think myself very happy, and my roof much favoured, by receiving a man of your worth and fidelity. And then, with a delicacy which was meant to remove any objection on Miss Bertram's part to bringing with her this unexpected satellite, he added, 'My business requires my frequently having occasion for a better accountant than any of my present clerks, and I should be glad to have recourse to your assistance in that way now and then.

"In the autumn of 1861 I was stationed in Danapur as a government accountant in the Military Engineering Department. One morning the office manager summoned me. "'Lahiri, he said, 'a telegram has just come from our main office. "With one servant, I set out on the 500-mile trip. "My office duties were not onerous; I was able to spend many hours roaming in the magnificent hills.

Goldsmith, 'the lad knew nothing serviceable when he came, we had an infinity of maggots about algebra and logarithms to drive out of his head; but now he really is nearly as good an accountant as old Johns. 'You would be sorry to part with him, and I cannot help hoping this may be made up. 'You don't bring me any message! I've said I'll listen to nothing.

And it occurred to Constance that in presence of such a deluge the three men would certainly take a cab. So she hastened her steps, still followed, however, by the accountant. "For instance," he continued, "when it was a question of drawing up the agreement " But he suddenly paused, gave vent to a hoarse exclamation, and stopped her, pulling her back as if in terror. "Take care!" he gasped.

After the death of Luis de Velasco, instructions are issued to Legazpi by the president and auditors of the royal Audiencia of Mexico, the chief provisions of which here follow. Before the royal officials of this expedition, namely, "Guido de Labezaris, treasurer, Andres Cauchela, accountant, and Andres de Mirandaola, factor," he will take possession of the vessels and their equipment.

At the last moment when he has got five minutes left to catch the train, he'll say: 'Let's go into the counting-house and look at the books. He'll find the books dreadfully complicated; he'll suggest sending for an accountant; he'll settle the business off hand, by lending the money in the meantime; he'll jog back comfortably in the miller's gig; and he'll tell us all how pleasant the lanes were in the cool of the evening."

This done he used so sit brooding and miserable nearly all the week till guinea time came; and then brightened up a bit. One day Alfred sent for an accountant to look after his father's papers, and see if matters were really desperate. The accountant was not long at work, and told Alfred the accounts were perfectly clear, and kept in the most, admirable order.

Roberts, aged 85, their accountant, and with their solicitor, the able and honorable Mr. Maynard, of the old firm of Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street, City. I had many interviews; and on the 17th March, 1863, I met the Governor, Mr. Ellice, jun. Matheson and Mr. Maynard. They showed me a number of schedules, which they called "accounts." Next day I had a long private interview with Mr.

Wentworth and I went together to see it. 'Oh, is Wentworth also a mining expert? 'No; he is an accountant in London. 'Both of you were sent out by the London Syndicate, I understand, to look after their mines, or the mines they thought of purchasing, were you not? 'We were. 'And you spent your time in looking up other properties for yourselves, did you? Kenyon reddened at this question.

The others were soon visited; but no more foxes were caught. However, the accountant set them both off to see that all was right; and then re-adjusting one himself, told Harry to set the other, in order to clear himself of the charge of boasting. Harry, nothing loath, went down on his knees to do so.