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Pine-Avon again; he could not: and on leaving the house walked abstractedly along the streets till he found himself at his own door. In his room he sat down, and placing his hands behind his head thought his thoughts anew. At one side of the room stood an escritoire, and from a lower drawer therein he took out a small box tightly nailed down. He forced the cover with the poker.

Then she asked him about the best pictures to be shown in the next exposition, which was to open in a fortnight. Suddenly, however, she appeared to recollect something she had forgotten. "Come, give me my shoe," she said. "I am going now." He was playing dreamily with the light shoe, turning it over abstractedly in his hands.

Sandy stared at this. "Didn't you tell me that Bill Riley had joined the temperance society?" "Yes, I did," replied the bar-keeper. "Are you sure?" "I am sure, I was told so by one that knew." "I only wish I was certain of it," was the reply, made half abstractedly.

The port, ah, the port of Manila, a bastard that since its conception had brought tears of humiliation and shame to all! If only after so many tears there were not being brought forth a useless abortion! Abstractedly he saluted two Jesuits, former teachers of his, and scarcely noticed a tandem in which an American rode and excited the envy of the gallants who were in calesas only.

His brows gathered abstractedly, then cleared again. Well, at any rate, it was added proof that so far her cleverness had completely outwitted those who had pitted themselves against her so much so that even her freedom of action, in whatever role she had assumed, was still left open to her. He tore the envelope open.

Bosinney muttered abstractedly "Hear, hear!" and, George yawning, the conversation dropped. Upon arriving, the coffin was borne into the chapel, and, two by two, the mourners filed in behind it.

At length he gave it up in despair and abstractedly felt for his watch-fob. Which wasn't there. Neither, investigation developed, was the watch. At which crowning stroke of misfortune, the timepiece must have slipped from his pocket into the water while he was tinkering with that infamous carbureter, Maitland turned eloquently red in the face.

I know them that have seen him in the stocks at Putney not thirty years ago. The printer set two proofs side by side on the table and frowningly compared them, shaking his head. 'He is the flail of the monks, he said abstractedly. 'They would have burned me and thousands more but for him. 'Aye, and he has put up a fine wall where my arbour stood.

Lizzy returned to the garden-gate, over which Stockdale was still abstractedly leaning. 'It is all finished: I am going indoors now, she said gently. 'I will leave the door ajar for you. 'O no you needn't, said Stockdale; 'I am coming too.

When the other had taken himself off, Hornung sat for some moments gazing abstractedly toward his office windows, thinking over the whole matter. He had just agreed to release to Truslow, at the rate of one dollar and ten cents per bushel, one hundred thousand out of the two million and odd bushels of wheat that he, Hornung, controlled, or actually owned.