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The dat. and abl. sing. are the only terminations that were not affected. We see the gradual deterioration of quantity, and are not surprised that even before the time of Claudian a strict knowledge of it was confined to the most learned poets. There is a very frequent feature in Virgil's poetry which we may compare to the parallelism well known as the chief characteristic of Hebrew verse.

Next to my father's given name is the inscription, E.b. Then follows these old lines: "I, powder, with my brother ball, A hero like, do conquer all." "'Tis best abroad with foreign foes to fight, And not at home, to feel their hateful spite, Where all our friends of every sex and age, Will be expos'd unto their cruel rage." Lieut. Abl Prindel's. Made at No. 4. June 30th, 1757.

Cetera, sc. jura successionum. Bello. Abl. and limits both ferox and melior. Meaning: The horses are inherited, not, like the rest of the estate, by the eldest son, but by the bravest. XXXIII. Occurrebant. Met the view, presented themselves. Almost the sense of the corresponding English word. Cf. His. 1, 50. 90. The Chamavi, &c., were joined afterwards to the Franks. Cf. Prichard.

It is so represented in maps as late as Richard of Cirencester. Cf. Prichard, III. 3, 9. Etiam inspicitur. It is even seen by the Gauls, implying nearer approach to Gaul, than to Germany or Spain. Nullis terris. Abl. abs., contra taking the place of the part., or rather limiting a part. understood. Livius. Fabius Rusticus. A friend of Seneca, and writer of history in the age of Claudius and Nero.

T., as usual, avoids the technical way of expressing the relation. Ad verbum, contubernium, cf. note, His. 1, 43. Others make aestimaret==dignum aestimaret, and contubernio abl. of price. Cf. Doed. and Dr. Licenter segniter, sc. agens. Licenter refers to voluptates, segniter to commeatus. Commeatus==furloughs, absence from duty.

His. 1, 25: conscientiam facinoris; Cic. Cat. 1. 1: omnium horum conscientia. The sentiment of both passages is just and fine. Sapientiae professoribus. Philosophers, who were banished by Domitian, A.D. 94, on the occasion of Rusticus's panegyric on Thrasea. T. not unfrequently introduces an additional circumstance by the abl. abs., as here. Ne occurreret.

Hercules is the god of strength, perhaps Thor. Certis diebus. Statis diebus. Guen. Humanis hostiis. Even facere in the sense of sacrifice is construed with abl. Virg. Ec. 3, 77. Quoque==even. For its position in the sentence, cf. note, 3. Concessis animalibus. Such as the Romans and other civilized nations offer, in contradistinction to human sacrifices, which the author regards as in-concessa.

CONSILIO ... SENTENTIA: consilio, advice; auctoritate, weight of influence; sententia, an opinion or vote formally given. QUIBUS: in twofold relation; with orbari, abl. of separation, with augeri of specification. NISI FORTE: ironical, used to introduce a possible, but absurd objection to something which has gone before. The verb that follows is always in the indicative.

In a modern English Latin Grammar, the charming sight that meets our gaze is as follows: Nom. Mensa. A table. Voc. Mensa. Oh, table! Acc. Mensam. A table. Gen. Mensæ. Of a table. Dat. Mensæ. To or for a table. Abl. Mensa. By, with or from a table. The method of Comenius was different. Instead of mentioning the names of the cases, he showed how the cases were actually used, as follows:

Abl. abs.==when lighter offences are committed; or abl. of circum.==in case of lighter offences. Pro modo poenarum. Such is the reading of all the MSS. Pro modo, poena is an ingenious conjecture of Acidalius. But it is unnecessary.