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Updated: September 7, 2024

The ancient name of the Welsh was also Cymri, cf. Tur. His. Ang. Sax. 1. 2. Gloria is abl. limiting ingens. Castra ac spatia. In apposition with lata vestigia==spatiosa castra or castrorum spatia, H. 704, II. 2; Z. 741. Utraque ripa, sc. of the Rhine, the river and river bank by eminence. Molem manusque. The mass of their population, and the number of their armies.

Gerlach, as cited by Or. in loc. Aestimanti. Greek idiom. Elliptical dative, nearly equivalent to the abl. abs. In A. II. the ellipsis is supplied by credibile est. Cf. Boetticher's Lex. Tac. sub Dativus. Eoque mixti. Eo, causal particle==for that reason. Caesar adopted this arrangement in the battle of Pharsalia. Hellen. 7, 5. Centeni.

The best writers have memoriae prodere and prodi, 'for the recollection of posterity', memoria prodi, 'to be handed down by tradition'; but not memoria prodere. LUDIS: sc. Panathenaicis, abl. of time. The Panathenaea was the greatest of the Athenian festivals and was celebrated in honor of Athene, patron goddess of the city, once in four years.

Non in alia vilitate, i.e. eadem vilitate, aeque vilia, held in the same low estimation. Humo. Abl. of material. Proximi, sc. ad ripam. Nearest to the Roman border, opposed to interiores. Serratos. Not elsewhere mentioned; probably coins with serrated edges, still found. The word is post-Augustan. Bigatos. Roman coins stamped with a biga or two-horse chariot.

The clause introduced by nam illustrates or enforces visu nova, and may be rendered thus: for not even in time of peace do they grow gentle and put on a milder aspect. Exsanguis. Usually lifeless or pale. Here languid, feeble. XXXII. Alveo==quoad alveum. Abl. of respect, H. 429; Z. 429. Certum.

Jugum. A mountain chain. Vertices. Distinct summits. Insederunt. This word usually takes a dat., or an abl., with in. But the poets and later prose writers use it as a transitive verb with the acc.==have settled, inhabited. Cf. H. 371, 4; Z. 386; and Freund sub voce. Observe the comparatively unusual form of the perf. 3d plur. in -erunt instead of -ere. Cf. note, His. 2, 20. Nomen==gens.

He was consul in 219 and defeated the Illyrii; but when consul again in 216 was defeated and killed at Cannae. See 75. For avi duo cf. 82. CONSENUERINT ... DEFECERINT: coniunctio, for which see n. on 16. For the mood see A. 313, a; G. 608; H. 515, III. and n. 3. ETSI: see n. on 2. SENECTUTE: MSS. and edd. have senectutis, but the sense requires the abl. CYRUS: the elder.

Satis==segetibus poetice. Ferax is constructed with abl., vid. Virg. Geor. 2, 222: ferax oleo. Impatiens. Not to be taken in the absolute sense, cf. Sec. 20, 23, 26, where fruit trees and fruits are spoken of. Improcera agrees with pecora understood. Armentis. Pecora flocks in general. It may include horses. Suus honor. Their proper, i.e. usual size and beauty. Gloria frontis. Poetice for cornua.

Remedium is acc. in app. with the foregoing clause. Inscitia is abl. of cause==per inscitiam. Caementorum. Tegularum. Citra. Properly this side of, hence short of, or without, as used by the later Latin authors. This word is kindred to cis, i.e. is with the demonstrative prefix ce. Cf. Freund sub v. Speciem refers more to the eye, delectationem to the mind.

In all such cases however, as the examples just cited show, per with the acc. is not precisely equivalent to the abl. The abl. is more active and implies means, agency; the acc. with per is more passive and denotes manner or occasion. Delegata, transferred. Familiae. Ipsi. The men of middle life, the heads of the familiae. Diversitate. Contrariety. Ament. Subj. Oderint.

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