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Updated: September 23, 2024

Satis==segetibus poetice. Ferax is constructed with abl., vid. Virg. Geor. 2, 222: ferax oleo. Impatiens. Not to be taken in the absolute sense, cf. Sec. 20, 23, 26, where fruit trees and fruits are spoken of. Improcera agrees with pecora understood. Armentis. Pecora flocks in general. It may include horses. Suus honor. Their proper, i.e. usual size and beauty. Gloria frontis. Poetice for cornua.

Render: rude materials, neither beautiful to the eye nor attractive to the taste. Materia is distinctively wood for building. Fire-wood is lignum. Quaedam loca. Some parts of their houses, e.g. the walls. Terra ita pura. Probably red earth, such as chalk or gypsum. Imitetur. Resembles painting and colored outlines or figures. Aperire. Poetice==excavate.

Sidney's Energia came to him from the rhetorics of Aristotle and Quintilian via the Poetice of Scaliger. Energia, the vivifying quality of poetry, had at the earliest age been adopted by rhetoric to lend power to persuasion.

See Hand's Tursellinus, vol. IV. p. 454. We sometimes use not so much, not so very, not so bad, &c., for not very, not much, and not bad. Still the form of expression strictly implies a comparison. And the same is true of haud perinde, cf. Boet. Lex. Tac. Est videre. Est for licet. Graece et poetice. Not so used in the earlier Latin prose. See Z. 227.

There should be in eloquence always what is true and real; but that which is pleasing should itself be the real.” “When we meet with the natural style we are surprised and delighted, for we expected to find an author, and we find a man; whilst those of good taste who in looking into a book think to find a man, are altogether surprised to find an author. Plus poetice quam humane locutus es.

More common, pressi jugo. Poetice. Conscios sc. deorum. The priests consider themselves the servants of the gods, the horses the confidants of the same. So Tibullus speaks of the conscia fibra deorum. Tibul. 1, 8, 3. Committunt. Con and mitto, send together==engage in fight. A technical expression used of gladiators and champions. Praejudicio. Sure prognostic.

A. 36: donec cohortatus est; a repeated, or continued past action by the imp. subj. cf. note, A. 19: donec fieret; and a present action, which is in the nature of the case also a continued action, by the pres. subj. cf. note, 1: separet. Triumphati. Poetice, cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 837: Triumphata Corintho; Hor. Od. 3, 3, 43: Triumphati Medi.

Virgines festinantur==nuptiae virginum festinantur, poetice. The words properare, festinare, accelerare are used in both a trans. and intrans. sense, cf. Hist. 2, 82: festinabantur; 3, 37: festinarentur. Among the Romans, boys of fourteen contracted marriage with girls of twelve. Cf. Smith's Dic. Ant. Eadem, similis, pares.

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