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'Know that I went out one day, a-pleasuring, and my course brought me to a place where I smelt the odour of food. My soul longed for it and I halted, perplexed and unable either to go on or enter. Presently, I raised my eyes and saw a lattice window and behind it a hand and wrist, the like of which for beauty I never saw.

Moreover, I made proclamation, 'Whoso goeth a-pleasuring on the Tigris by night, I will strike off his head, without ruth or delay; and on such wise have I done this whole year past, during which time I have heard no news of the lady neither happened upon any trace of her." Then wept he copiously and repeated these couplets,

So saying, she rose to her feet and dismissed the company till supper-time. Accordingly, they all, ladies and men alike, arose and some began to go barefoot through the clear water, whilst others went a-pleasuring upon the greensward among the straight and goodly trees.

In this mind abiding and devising and laughing with Lorenzo as was their wont, it befell that one day, feigning to go forth the city, all three, a-pleasuring, they carried him with them to a very lonely and remote place; and there, the occasion offering, they slew him, whilst he was off his guard, and buried him on such wise that none had knowledge of it; then, returning to Messina, they gave out that they had despatched him somewhither for their occasions, the which was the lightlier credited that they were often used to send him abroad about their business.

"Dear, dear, dear! Then I suppose I must see her, and I so dead beat! She didn't give her name, did she, Hannah?" "No, ma'am. But she have been a-setting in the drawing-room for over an hour." "And Miss Matty, you say, is out!" "Oh, yes, ma'am; a-pleasuring in her shot silk, and the open-worked stockings you ironed up a fortnight back."

Things standing thus, it chanced that, the heat being great and Messer Ricciardo having a mind to go a-pleasuring to a very fair country-seat he had, near Monte Nero, and there abide some days to take the air, he betook himself thither, carrying with him his fair lady.

Amusements of every kind grew a little a very little tiresome. The first glory was dimmed; the charm of freshness was duller; the unreasoning delight of ignorance a little less enthusiastic every day; and about the close of the third week Roland said one morning, "You look weary, Denasia, my darling." "I am tired, Roland tired of going a-pleasuring.

'Get ready, all of you! Then the Chief Weasel for it was he began in a high, squeaky voice 'Toad he went a-pleasuring Gaily down the street The Badger drew himself up, took a firm grip of his stick with both paws, glanced round at his comrades, and cried 'The hour is come! Follow me! And flung the door open wide. My! What a squealing and a squeaking and a screeching filled the air!

The Rat turned from him in despair. 'You see what it is? he said to the Mole, addressing him across Toad's head: 'He's quite hopeless. I give it up when we get to the town we'll go to the railway station, and with luck we may pick up a train there that'll get us back to riverbank to-night. And if ever you catch me going a-pleasuring with this provoking animal again!

"Be careful you don't knock any of them, or the bloom will go off. Why what's the matter, girl? Is Miss Matty worse?" "Lor, no, ma'am. Miss Matty is up, and out a-pleasuring, ma'am. But if you please, there's a visitor in the drawing-room who would like to have a word with you the minute you come in." "A visitor?" Mrs Bell felt her heart beat.