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After all, we are all human Count Tolstoi, R. Fitzsimmons, Peter Pan, and the rest of us. Don't lose heart because the story seems to be degenerating into a sort of moral essay for intellectual readers. There will be dialogue and stage business pretty soon. When Jacob first began to compare the eyes of needles with the camels in the Zoo he decided upon organized charity.

His feet, in tan laced shoes, were ordinary feet, a little more than ordinarily expert, perhaps, in the convolutions of the dance at Englewood Masonic Hall, which is part of Chicago's vast South Side. No; a faun, to Miss Bauers, Miss Olson, Miss Ahearn, and just Gertie, was one of those things in the Lincoln Park Zoo. Perhaps, sometimes, they realized, vaguely, that Nick was different.

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. We are perfectly familiar with it in Baghdad, madam; but I little thought I should live to have it ignominiously applied to myself. You have actually Kiplingized me. ZOO. Kiplingized! What is that? THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. About a thousand years ago there were two authors named Kipling.

Eratosthenes, most philosophical, and therewith most political of them all, was bred in Cyrene, where some Greeks seem to have been black; and he worked in Alexandria, where the University was a human Zoo like that of London or Berlin. Their simple farmer's theory of natural selection attributed 'scorched-faced' Aethiopians to sunburn, and other racial types to large factors of region and régime.

The zoo of Idlewild Park at Franklin was woefully short of dongola goats in fact, to any but the most imaginative and easily pleased child, it was lacking in nearly every thing that makes a zoo a congress of the world's most rare and thrilling creatures. After all, the nearest thing to a goat was a goat, and goats were plenty in Franklin.

The other night I woke and found G. springing all over her bed like a kangaroo. At first I thought she had gone mad, dog-like, with the heat, but it turned out she was only stalking a mosquito. Yesterday we all went Mrs. Townley, Sister Anna Margaret, G., and I to the Calcutta Zoo.

Its roofs seemed countless. They touched, having no streets between them anywhere, and reached as far as she could see. They were all heights, all shapes, all varieties some being level, others coming to a point at one corner, a few ending in a tower. One tower, on the outer-most edge of the Zoo, was square, and tapered. "Jane?" she said indifferently. "Oh, she's only a top." "Only a top!"

His eye had caught sight of the smoking apparatus on the table. The Head paced the room, something after the fashion of the tiger at the Zoo, whose clock strikes lunch. 'Plunkett, he said, suddenly, 'you are a School-prefect. 'Yes, sir, murmured Plunkett. The fact was undeniable. 'You know the duties of a School-prefect? 'Yes, sir.

We used to shoot buffaloes in our country, and the few now remaining we guard behind iron fences in zoo gardens." "Here he comes!" exclaimed Fil and Moro together. "Boys, boys, be careful!" I cried. "Let us frighten our guest," whispered Moro.

We tried every sort of experiment to see if he would recognise his own tune, which he invariably did, and would whine if the air was hummed quite quietly. Anent "Orpheus at the Zoo," the following facts may interest you. Of two dogs of mine, one showed a great fondness for music.