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"Johnny would say something real pert an' get knocked into th' middle of next week for it. He won't do, so I reckon yu better go yoreself," responded Buck, smiling broadly and moving off. "Hey, yu! Wait a minute!" cried Red in consternation. Buck paused and Red groped for an excuse: "Why don't you send Billy?" He blurted in desperation.

Git, yoreself, or I'll stomp on yu like on a louse." Absolutely, hot tears of mortification, of bitter injury, showed in his glaring eyes. He was but a big boy, after all. "Our meeting here was entirely by accident," I answered. "Mrs. Montoyo had no expectation of seeing me, nor I of seeing her. You're making a fool of yourself." He burst, red, quivering, insensate. "Yu're a liar!

"Prove yoreself, then, Aaron," he challenged, "ye talks erbout yore hunger ter avenge yore dead boys albeit they fell in a pitch-battle an' ye don't know who deadened 'em an' ther fire of thet wrath's been coolin' fer a full score of ya'rs. Why did ye let hit simmer so long?" "Because I was pledged ter peace an' I wasn't no truce-buster. I sought ter remain steadfast and bide my time."

Dixie quit milchin', and stood up straight and said: 'No, I've got better sense, and you ought to be ashamed of yoreself. You've got a good husband, and you don't appreciate him nigh enough. "I thought it was funny that Het didn't fly off the handle, but she stood and tuck it, and seemed to be set back a peg or two.

She's too young to be figurin' on marryin'. Better give her time." "No." Houck flung the word out like an oath. "Now. Right away." The trapper's voice took on a plaintive note, almost a whine. "You was sayin' yoreself, Jake, that she'd have to get used to it. Looks like it wouldn't be good to rush " "She can get used to it after we're married."

Yo're gonna do all that? Tha's fine. Do you want a quiet burial or a regular funeral?" "Say " "Say yoreself, and say something sensible while yo're about it." "Nobody can kick me and get away with it!" Bull declared, passionately. "I'll " "Maybe you will, but not in a hurry. You start out after him now, and you wouldn't last as long as a short drink in a roomful of drunkards.

"Yu live close to yoreself or I'll throw yu so high th' sun'll duck," replied Frenchy, a smile illuminating his face. "Hey, cookie," remarked Hopalong confidentially, "I know who put up this joke on yu. Yu ask Billy who hid th' hat," suggested the tease. "Here he comes now see how queer he looks." "Th' mournful Piute," ejaculated the cook. "I'll shore make him wish he'd kept on his own trail.

Travennes had reached a most passionate part in "Juanita" and was expanding his lungs to do it justice he was rudely stopped by the insistent pressure of his guard's Colt's on the most ticklish part of his ear. "I shore wish yu wouldn't strain yoreself thataway," said Mr. Cassidy, thinking that Mr. Travennes might be endeavoring to call assistance.

"You blow yoreself up any more'n I'll bust you wide open!" heaving up with all his might on the free end of the strap, one knee pushing against the animal's side. The "fat" disappeared and Hopalong laughed. "Been learnin' new tricks, ain't you? Got smart since you been travellin', hey?"

"Don't ye dast ter trust yoreself with me, Dorothy?" he demanded with a smile that was half pleading and half taunt, and he saw the delicate colour creep into her cheeks and make them vivid. "I hain't afeared of ye," she quickly disavowed. "Ever sence thet other time when ye sought ter insult me, I've done wore my waist bloused a-purpose ter tote a dirk-knife.