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'I'm candlestick, said Kinraid, with less of triumph in his voice than he would have had with any other girl in the room. 'Yo' mun kiss t' candlestick, cried the Corneys, 'or yo'll niver get yo'r ribbon back. 'And she sets a deal o' store by that ribbon, said Molly Brunton, maliciously.

Now go, like a good old Kester as yo' are. Kester looked at her with loving, faithful admiration. He had set himself his day's work in his master's absence, and was very desirous of finishing it, but, somehow, he never dreamed of resisting Sylvia, so he only stated the case. 'T' 'ool's a vast o' muck in 't, an' a thowt as a'd fettle it, an' do it up; but a reckon a mun do yo'r biddin'.

But she heard Kester's words well enough, and so he saw, although she made this excuse not to reply. But Kester was not to be put off. 'Folks is talkin' about thee and him; thou'll ha' to mind lest thee and him gets yo'r names coupled together. 'It's right down cruel on folks, then, said she, crimsoning from some emotion.

I'm on my way West. Shake hands." His manner was frank and winning, and Yancy met it with an equal frankness. "Well, sir, me and my nevvy are glad to meet some one we've knowed afore. The world are a lonesome place once you get shut of yo'r own dooryard," he said. Murrell slipped from his saddle and fell into step at Yancy's side as they moved forward.

'But I don't understand yet, said Sylvia, plaintively; 'I daresay it's all very true about St Paul, but please, ma'am, will yo' tell me about yo'r husband and mine have they met again? 'Yes, at Acre, I tell you, said Mrs. Kinraid, with pretty petulance. 'The Turks held the town, and the French wanted to take it; and we, that is the British Fleet, wouldn't let them.

"Besides, I wants ter hear lots more erbout the city an' city folks." "But I have already imposed enough on your hospitality," protested Donald, hesitatingly, since the invitation held a strong appeal for him. "Yo' haint imposed at all. Set yo'rself down. I shore appreciates yo'r company."

I shall go to sea happy, now, thinking I've yo'r word. Yo're not one to go back from it, I'm sure, else it's a long time to leave such a pretty girl as yo', and ne'er a chance of a letter reaching yo' just to tell yo' once again how I love yo', and to bid yo' not forget yo'r true love. 'There'll be no need o' that, murmured Sylvia.

An' I saw Muster Faversham coom oot an' Dixon. An' I knew that he wor there alone the owd fox! an' I waited an' oot he came. I shot 'un straight, Muster Boden! I shot 'un straight!" "You never told any one what you were going to do, Brand? Nobody helped you?" "Not a soul! I'm not yo'r blabbin' sort! But now I'm done I'm clemmed!" And he tottered against the bridge as he spoke. Baden caught him.

We know. We find, sah, that it is mos' desirable for every one concerned. If yo' like, sah, an' if yo're ready, Ah'll show yo' to yo'r room." Hamilton could not help contrasting this reception with that which he would have received in any town not entirely a negro community, and he expressed this feeling to his host as they went up the stairs.

'Let alone that one thing, said Sylvia, 'he were a kind, good man. 'It were a big deal on a "one thing", though, said Kester. 'It just spoilt yo'r life, my poor lass; an' might ha' gone near to spoilin' Charley Kinraid's too. 'Men takes a deal more nor women to spoil their lives, said Sylvia, bitterly. 'Not a' mak' o' men.