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"Do you feel that you are very much in love with her?" asked his friend. The young man considered for a moment, and then answered, "No, not in love exactly. But she represents what I have come to desire. I get so terribly lonely, Geoffrey, and I must have some one, some woman, of course; and I hate intrigue and adultery. Yaé never grates upon me.

They ascended the forest path as far as the upper lake, a mere pond of reeds and sedges, which the bears are supposed to haunt. Geoffrey and Yaé, however, saw nothing more alarming than the village curs. "Returned in safety from the land of danger!" cried the girl, as she sprang ashore at the steps of the villa. The air and exercise had wearied Geoffrey.

Personally, I do not at present feel like forgiving anybody. Least of all, can I forgive fools. Geoffrey Harrington is a fool. He was a fool to marry, a fool to marry you, a fool to come to Japan when everybody warned him not to, a fool to talk to Yaé when everybody told him that she was a dangerous woman. No, personally, at present I cannot forgive Geoffrey Barrington.

He had observed the talk and the attitudes, the silences and the holding of hands, the glad exchange of kisses, the sitting of Yaé on Geoffrey's knees, and her triumphant return, carried in his arms. To the Japanese mind such conduct could only mean one thing. The Japanese male is frankly animal where women are concerned.

She came once again with the girl friend; and then she came alone. Reggie was relieved, and said so. Yaé laughed and replied: "But I brought her for your own sake; I always go everywhere by myself." "Then please don't take me into consideration ever again," answered Reggie.

But his paradise, though an artificial one, had been paradise all the same. It had nourished him with visions and music. Now, he had no companion except his own irrepressible spirit jibing at his heart's infirmity. He came to the reluctant conclusion that he must take Yaé back again. But she must never come again to him on the same terms.

"said Meg from her bed, no more surprised than if the knock had been upon the outer door at midday. "It's me, daft Jock Gordon," said Jock candidly. "Gae wa' wi' ye, Jock! Can ye no let decent fowk sleep in their beds for yae nicht?" "Ye maun get up, Meg," said Jock. "An' what for should I get up?" queried Meg indignantly. "I had ancuch o' gettin' up yestreen to last me a gye while."

The engagement with Hoskin still lingered on; but the young man, who adored her was haggard and pale. Yaé had a new follower, a teacher of English in a Japanese school, who recited beautifully and wrote poetry about her. Then Baroness Miyazaki judged that her time was ripe.

"Ye may say that," said he gladly, "a weel-watered land. But a' this braw south country is the same. I've traivelled frae the Yeavering Hill in the Cheviots to the Caldons in Galloway, and it's a' the same. When I was young, I've seen me gang north to the Hielands and doun to the English lawlands, but now that I'm gettin' auld I maun bide i' the yae place.

On the beach they found him in a blue bathing-costume sitting under an enormous paper umbrella with Miss Smith and the gipsy half-caste girl. Yaé wore a cotton kimono of blue and white, and she looked like a figurine from a Nanking vase. "Geoffrey," said the young diplomat, "come into the sea at once. You look thoroughly dirty. Do you like sea-bathing, Mrs. Harrington?"