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Low, who by the light of a single candle was bending over the plates of a large quarto, merely raised his eyes and looked at the intruder. The young man's natural imperturbability, always exasperating to Wynn, seemed accented that morning by contrast with his own over-acted animation.

Wynn; 'we shall scarcely reach town in time; and all three quickened their pace. 'I'll never believe a syllable against the habitans again, said Arthur. 'Their old-fashioned politeness is a perfect relief from the bluff manners of most other Canadians.

But one day that she wanted her young mistress, and abruptly put her head into the parlour, asking, in a strong tone, 'Whar's Linda? Tell her the men that's settin' the fall wheat'll be 'long in no time for dinner, Mr. Wynn could have turned her away on the spot.

Perhaps you want poor old Father Wynn to say 'No. No, sir, nothing of the kind ever occurred. Ah, you young rascal!" Slightly troubled, in spite of Wynn's hearty manner, Low, with his usual directness however, said, "I do not want any one to deny that I have seen Miss Nellie."

To his visits to the West of England and North Wales about this time we owe some charming sketches the two "Wynnstay Theatre Tickets," for instance, dating from some visit to Sir Watkin Williams Wynn when theatricals were in the air at Wynnstay, and that lovely print of "The Modern Graces," drawn, it is said, from the three beautiful Misses Shakespere during the stay of our artist at Aston; while those two prints of "Peasants from the Vale of Llangollen" hint at some pleasant ramble in the Welsh hills.

Like enough he was a watchman, or somethin'. What did he call you?" "Lewis." "Lewis is the engineer. If he saw you climb over the rail, and if he thought you was Lewis, then it's a safe guess that Lewis is one of the men who's ashore." "That's right." "If Lewis has shore leave, then I'll bet Hogan is on board." "I think so Hogan and Wynn." "They're the two who are in the cabin, hey?

Bunting's store, young Armytage woke up with a mighty yawn and stretch to declare that bush travelling was the greatest bore would they ever reach the farm? And he thereupon arose to the exertion of kindling his pipe. 'Nonsense, Wynn, can that be you? Glad to see some face I know among these endless trees. They're nearly as sickening to me as waves to a fellow in his first voyage.

Robert and Arthur Wynn, missing their servitor at the next turn, and looking back, beheld something like a popular émeute in the narrow street, which was solely Andy fraternizing with his countrymen and recovered relations. 'Wait a minit, said Andy, returning to his allegiance, as he saw them looking back; 'let me run afther the gentlemen and get lave to stay.

Wynn took care to inform her of that, with a due amount of exaggeration. Her crime consisted in minding her own business, and letting others do the same and they called her gentle reticence, "airs," said she felt above common folks, and prophesied that any amount of evil would befall her.

Carson was an Englishman, who never ought to have mixed himself up with a lot like that." Again came that expressive jerk of the head, and his small bright eyes regarded me more shrewdly and observantly than ever. "Let me give you a word of warning, Mr. Wynn; don't you follow his example. Remember Russia's not England " "I know. I've been there before. Besides, my chief warned me last night."