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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Now, Joe, you must go at once to the principal guide and make arrangements with him as to that brandy and tea on which you expect to found your future fortunes. I told him to expect a visit from you early in the day." "Wotiver you do, do it at once," said Joe, putting on his straw hat with an energetic slap. "That's one of my mottos. I'll go an' carry it into practice."

"You see," observed the boatswain, as he busied himself in uncoiling-and making a running noose on the rope, "I'm ordered to prewent you from carrying out your intentions wotiver these may be by puttin' a coil or two o' this here rope round you. Now, wot I've got to ask of you is, Will ye submit peaceable like to have it done?"

"Well, wotiver others may hold," remarked Bounce emphatically, "I'm strong agin' settlin' down nowhar'." "So am I, out an' out," said Waller. "Dat be plain to the naked eye," observed Gibault, coming up at the moment. "Surement you have settle down here for ever. Do you s'pose, mes garcons, dat de canoe will carry hisself over de portage? Voila! vat is dat?"

But Larry bore his disappointments like an Irishman, and defied "fortin' to put him out of timper by any manes wotiver." "Patience," said Bill Jones, removing his pipe to make room for the remark, "is a wirtue that's wot I says. If ye can't make things better, wot then? why, let 'em alone. W'en there's no wind, crowd all canvas and ketch wot there is.

"Nothin' wotsomdiver." "H'm, that's okard," said Bounce, once more applying to his pipe; "'cause, d'ye see, it's most 'orrible difficult to explain a thing to a feller as don't know nothin' wotiver about it. If ye only had the smallest guess o " "Wall, come, I does know somethin' about it," interrupted Waller. "Wot's that?" inquired Bounce, brightening up.

"Come, Phil, none o' yer chaff," cried Dick Barnes, "that song desarves somethin' arter it. Suppose now, Phil, that you wos to go below and fetch the bread-kid." "Couldn't do it," replied Phil, looking solemn, "on no account wotiver." "Oh, nonsense, why not?" "'Cause its unpossible. Why, if I did, sure that surly compound o' all sorts o' human blood would pitch into me with the carvin'-knife."

"Oh no, Mrs Tipps, not by no means," said Marrot, hasting to relieve the timid old lady's feelings, "Mr Joseph is all right nothing wotiver wrong with him nor likely to be, ma'am. Leastwise he wos all right w'en I seed 'im last." "And when might that be?" asked the timid old lady with a sigh of relief as she clasped her hands tightly together.

Hah! nebber mind, come 'long. Queek, no time for d'liberazhun." "Git along then, old feller," said Flaggan, thrusting his companion through the thicket very unceremoniously. "Don't palaver so much, but take the helm; an' wotiver ye do, clap on all sail ivery stitch you can carry for the case is desprit."

"You see," observed the boatswain, as he busied himself in uncoiling and making a running noose on the rope, "I'm ordered to prewent you from carryin' out your intentions wotiver these may be by puttin' a coil or two o' this here rope round you. Now, wot I've got to ask of you is Will ye submit peaceable like to have it done?"

I's wuss nor dat: I's a awrful hyperkrite! an' I wants to give you good adwice. Wotiver you doos, don't resist. You'll on'y git whacked if you do." "Thank you, Sambo. But what if I do resist in spite of being whacked?" "Den you bery soon change your mind, das all. Moreober, my name's not Sambo. It am Peter de Great."

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