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"Yes," said Aunt Debby, inhospitably disregarding the exhaustion of the provender, and speaking a little more quickly than her wont, "but which side whipt?" "Our'n, in course," said Fortner, with nettled surprise at the question. "Our'n, in course. Old Zollicoffer got ez bad a licken ez ever Gineral Zach Taylor gi'n the Mexicans." "Rayally?" she said.

That her complexion was a little warmer than its wont, Piers had no power of perceiving; he saw only her eyes, soft-shining as they rose to his, in their depths an infinite gentleness. "How glad I am that you got my letter just before leaving Petersburg!" "How kind of you to introduce me to Mrs. Borisoff!" "I thought you would soon be friends." It was all they could say.

So, it was with a heavy heart he got up later than his wont no work before him, nothing to do till the afternoon, when he might see Sir John, except it be to dig a bit in his little marshy garden. When Grace ran to the Hall, Roger was going forth to dig. Now, I know quite well that the reader is as fully aware as I am, what is about to happen; but it is impossible to help the matter.

Perhaps the day in the open air there was a fresh breeze had warmed the exquisite colour of her cheeks and given her eyes an even purer radiance than of wont. The dress she wore was not new to him, but its perfection made stronger appeal to his senses than previously. How divine were the wreaths and shadowings of her hair! With what gracile loveliness did her neck bend as she spoke to Mrs.

"When do you look for them?" "Right away. Vacation's most gone, you know." "Wont they be ashamed to meet your sister!" "Not a bit. They'll try their tricks even after they get here." "All right. We'll help 'em all we know how. But, boys, I tell you what we must try for." "What's that?" "One grand, good sailing party, in the 'Swallow, before they get here." "Hurrah for that!

Then he seemed to change suddenly, and said, in a strange, wild way, that I was not to believe what he said; that there was many a thing he loved better his horse his dog I know not what. 'And 'twas only the next morning that, when I came into his room to ask his blessing as was my wont, he received me with fierce and angry words.

Arbuton, and looked about him with an eye of cold, uncompassionate inspection, as if he were trying it by a standard of taste, and, on the whole, finding the poor little church vulgar. When they mounted to their places again, the talk fell entirely to the colonel, who, as his wont was, got what information he could out of the driver.

The keepers of clothes for the different rings are wont to distribute them, and it is marvellous that they have at the same time as many garments as there is need for, some heavy and some slight, according to the weather.

Whereas on the contrary, these jolly fellows say they have sufficiently discharged their offices if they but anyhow mumble over a few odd prayers, which, so help me, Hercules! I wonder if any god either hear or understand, since they do neither themselves, especially when they thunder them out in that manner they are wont.

Tim Rokens had never been caught out of temper in his life. Men were wont say he had no temper to lose. Whether this was true or no, we cannot presume to say, but certainly he never lost it. He was the best and boldest harpooner in Captain Dunning's ship, and a sententious deliverer of his private opinion on all occasions whatsoever.