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"Is is that Edward down there?" she asked, in weak, lifeless tones. She seemed dull, witless, utterly without realization. "Go back in the house," he whispered, as he drew back from her in a sort of horror, horror that had not struck him in the presence of the dead. "Is that Edward?" she insisted, her voice rising to a queer, monotonous wail. "I told you to stay in the house," he said.

They bewitches a man's heart, does mermaids, an' kills the eternal soul of him! Sure, b'y! Didn't me own great-gran'father, who sailed foreign viyages out o' Witless Bay, clap his own two eyes on to one o' they desperate sea-critters one night he was standin' his trick at the wheel, one day nort' o' Barbados? Sure, b'y!

While I puffed and gasped with fatigue and excitement, my Conscience talked to this effect: "My good slave, you are curiously witless no, I mean characteristically so. In truth, you are always consistent, always yourself, always an ass.

She came again and brought me a visitor; it was this same Father Matthieu with whom she had jestingly compared me, and lest I should take my punishment too lightly, stayed but to make the good priest known to me. Now I was born and bred an heretic, by any papist's reckoning, but I have ever held it witless in that man who lets a creed obstruct a friendship.

"Laugh laugh!" said Zabastes, recovering himself and eying the throng with a derisive smile "Laugh, ye witless bantlings born of folly! and cling as you will to the unsubstantial dreams your Laureate blows for you in the air like a child playing with soap- bubbles!

"Verily?" said the Earl, in an interrogative tone. "Ay, to take away the strength and might of Englishmen with this clerkly lore, so that her folk may have the better of them in France; and the poor, witless King gives in to her. And so while the Beauforts rule the roast " Salisbury caught her up. "Ay, the roast. Will you partake of these roast partridges, madam?"

When Justice can take no place by process of law at home, sometimes she may be enforced to take new means abroad." But he had left hostages in Henry's hands. "Pity that the folly of one witless fool," Cromwell wrote ominously, "should be the ruin of so great a family. The "great mercy and benignity of the prince" was no longer to shelter them.

They reveal to the native the origin of his find. I suppose he knows how he came to make that novel and captivating discovery, by this time. If he does not, any American can tell him any American to whom he will show his anecdotes. It was "put up" on him, as we say. It was a jest to be plain, it was a series of frauds. To my mind it was a poor sort of jest, witless and contemptible.

She fought her emotions. She saw him tremble. "Lenore, I'd better run off in the night," he said. Instinctively, with swift, soft violence, she grasped his hands. Perhaps the moment had come. She was not afraid, but the suddenness of her extremity left her witless.

Knowest thou not the common proverb, O thou witless wolf, 'Whoso taketh no thought as to how things end, him shall Fate never befriend nor shall he safe from perils wend." "O Reynard," quoth the wolf, "thou was wont to show me fondness and covet my friendliness and fear the greatness of my strength.